Twenty One - "I can't say no."

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Chapter Twenty One

Pia's POV

Jacob was my childhood sweetheart. Our parents were very good friends, and our first shippers. They did not hide the fact that they wanted us to end up together.

My relationship with Jacob did not start early, since we experienced a time when we found our parents' teasing and shipping so annoying and awkward, that we avoided each other.

It was only during senior high that we started talking again. One night, we had a meaningful conversation after Dad's birthday dinner. From then on, we hung out often, talking on the phone for hours, until we had our first romantic date, where he popped up the question if I would be his girlfriend.

My feelings for Jacob were gradual, slowly progressing, but rooting deeply at the bottom of my heart.

If I would spell love, it would be J-A-C-O-B.

My definition of love is purely the strong feelings I have for him. Strong. Solid. Unbreakable.

My relationship with Jacob was so secure. Marriage was in our minds from the very beginning. Whatever we planned or decided, it had to be for both of us.

For four years, our love for each other continued growing. Our parents were very happy for us, that they already made fun of setting up the wedding - who would pay for the wedding cake, the venue, the priest and so on. They even made names for our future kids.

But why is it that a love so perfect, could easily get shattered, in just a blink of an eye? Until now, I don't understand why it had to happen. And why did it have to be Jacob?

I still remember it clearly a year ago, the last time we went out as a couple. Jacob surprised me with a romantic date in a fancy restaurant.

"Thank you, Jacob. I love the place, and the food... they're all beautiful. But this must have cost you a fortune!"

"Don't worry, I really saved for this special occasion."

"Special occasion? But our anniversary is next month."

I was surprised when he knelt down with one bent knee, in front of me. He was holding a small red velvet box. I gasped when he opened it, and I saw a very beautiful diamond ring.

That moment was very special. The image of him still lingered in my mind. His beautiful smile, his expressive blue eyes, and his flowery words, as an expression of his undying love for me.

"Will you marry me, Pia, and make me the happiest man in the whole universe?"

"Of course!" I answered right away.

"We don't have to get married right away, if you don't want to. I know how important your career is," he said later on, when we were inside his car.

"You're more important to me, Jacob," I hugged him, "I'll marry you now if you'll have me."

He chuckled, then gave me a long lingering kiss.

"Of course! But we have to tell our parents first, I'm sure they'll be ecstatic."

"When are we going to do that? You're leaving tomorrow."

"I'll be back in four days. We'll set up dinner at my place," he took my hand, then kissed my chuckle, "are you excited, my Pia-pie?"

"Super," I went into his arms, and we kissed vigorously.

The following day, Jacob left with his brother, Ronnie, to Canada. It was supposedly a romantic getaway for Ronnie and his girlfriend in Quebec's famous Ski Resort. Unfortunately, his girlfriend could not make it, so he made Jacob as his plus one.

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