Twenty Five - "Stay away from her!"

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Chapter Twenty Five

Kristov's POV

"Are you okay, sir? You don't look well," Jack looked at me in the rear mirror, his eyebrows frowning.

"Just a slight headache."

"You've been drinking too much lately. It won't do good to your health."

"It's the only way to make me sleep."

"Still thinking of Pia Rosi?" his eyebrows furrowed, "just let her go. The more you force yourself into her, the more she'll run away from you."

"I know," I groaned, "but I can't stop thinking of her. What do you think I should do to make her like me?"

"Nothing sir, just leave her alone. She rejected you, not just once. Accept the fact that she's not into you," he said firmly.

"It's easy to say that, but it's really hard to do," I let out a frustrated sigh, "My job and responsibility doubled, now that dad is on vacation. How can I function well when I always zone out thinking of her?"

"You have to be back on track, sir. Many people relied on you," he reminded.

"I wish I could erase her in my mind in just a snap of my fingers," I groaned, "but everytime I see her, damn... I still want to have a chance with her."

"I saw her talking to Cameron Garner at the dinner hall, I think there's something going on between them."

My chest immediately felt heavy, "are they dating?"

"Nope, but I have a feeling that they will soon. Since she dropped her disguise, Cameron has been telling the guys that he likes her."

"Damn," I cursed, "I should have sent him to Texas or Iraq."

"And be a sore loser, no way," Jack chuckled, "all you need is a diversion, sir, in order for you to stop thinking of her."

"How can I do that?"

"Start dating again," he suggested, "plenty of girls are dying to date you. Should I ask Mr. Penn to prepare a list for you?"

"A list? How many women are you thinking, Jack?"

"Perhaps ten gorgeous smart girls. I'm sure by the end of it, your mind is off Pia Rosi," he assured, "and you're back to focus on business again."

"You're right, I need my focus back," I nodded, "just pick someone you think I'll like best."

"Of course, sir," he agreed, "for sure you'll forget Pia Rosi."

Pia Rosi. How can I forget the name?

I remember after the accident, I was so miserable of losing Mom and Anton, I blamed myself so badly, that I wished I was the one who died.

Dad was having a party for his trusted employees in the mansion and I was so upset at him. How could he throw a party when we were still mourning? Didn't he even care at all that we lost our loved ones? Did the company matter to him more?

I was at the back of the mansion, in my mom's favorite spot - the secluded garden. She used to bring me there often as a child, to read me stories, have picnics, play hide and seek, or sleep on the soft grass. I grew up making the garden my favorite spot also. I did many art paintings there, mostly landscapes.

I was at my lowest point in life. I carved a heart with a hole in a tree, expressing how empty and miserable my heart and soul was. I felt so useless, alone and extremely sad, that I contemplated killing myself.

Then I heard a girl giggling. The voice came nearer, and then I saw her. I hid behind the big tree, and continued observing her.

She was chasing a butterfly.

I was amused. A teenage girl, chasing a butterfly like a young girl. Maybe she lived in the city and hadn't seen many butterflies.

I thought she heard me, because she came closer to the tree. I saw her lean her back against the trunk, and heard her soft panting. Chasing the butterflies surely made her tired.

"Oh, what a sad and empty heart," I listened to her murmurs, as she studied the heart that I just carved on the tree, "I'm sure as time goes by, it will be filled."

What she said struck me. She was right. Time could fill my empty heart.

She played with the butterflies again, then I noticed her not moving anymore. I realized she had already fallen asleep.

"Stay away from her," I heard someone say behind me.

I turned and saw a very angry man.

"I haven't done anything, sir."

"You were watching her," he glanced briefly at the chisel that I was holding. It was the tool I used to carve the heart with a hole in the big tree.

"I'm sorry. She looks like an angel, sleeping peacefully," I replied, "is she your daughter?"

"She is," his lips twisted nastily, "and she's off-limits to you. I know about your reputation with girls, Kristov Stavrakos, and I'm not impressed. So stay away from my daughter, and don't ever come near her."

The man looked at me like I was a piece of shit.

Yeah, I had a bad reputation with girls and did some rebellious stuff, but I realized my mistakes and tried to be a good son.

"Pia! Wake up!"

I watched the man wake her daughter up not so gently, he frightened her. She looked agitated, then ran away, without even noticing me standing behind her.

The man glared at me once again, then left.


"Sir, here's the list of the most eligible girls that you can date," Mr. Penn, my executive secretary said the moment he entered my office.

"I don't need it, throw it away," I instructed him.

I'm a reformed man, I'll just focus on business to keep Pia off my mind.

"Yes sir, as you wish," he replied, "by the way, the external auditors are here for the annual auditing of our book accounts. They will start at the Purchasing Department, then at Sales and Finance.

"Okay, if there's any discrepancies in accounts in every department, report to me at once. I don't want a thief in my company."

"Yes sir, noted," he answered and after he left, Ramona Vega entered.

"Hello, Kristov. How's your day?"

I told her not to call me Kristov, but still she would not listen. She was trying to provoke me.

"What do you want, Miss Vega?"

"I have the blueprint of the land area your father wants to purchase in Mexico. I also have a list of landowners. Do you want me to show you?" She stood in front of my office table, putting her hands on the desk and leaned forward. She was showing me her cleavage instead.

I looked down at the document on my table and signed it, ignoring her.

"Give it to Mr. Penn. I'll study it this evening. I'm very busy."

"How about if I'll go to your place this evening. We can discuss it over dinner," she suggested, "I heard your cook is one of the best."

This witch really wanted to make it difficult for me. She knew that dad was in a hurry to get hold of the properties in Mexico to start his project.

"Okay, be there at seven."

"See you later, Kristov. Your dad will be happy," she smirked, then left the room swaying her hips.

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