Thirty Three - "Temptation"

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Chapter Thirty Three

Pia's POV

My hands ran on his neck, his broad shoulders, his back, his face, his hair... I could not get enough of him.

I was burning for him, terribly, that I craved his touch and kisses. I wanted his body pressed against mine, and absorb all of him, totally, until we dissolved together as one.

I was all over him, and yet he remained calm and composed. His face was flushing red, his lips were warm and firm, his tongue was strong and determined, deliciously dueled and gliding against mine.

His lips transferred on my cheek, tracing a path to my neck, then suckled the sensitive spot behind my ear, making me gasp with intense pleasure.

"Do you want to see the lighthouse?" he whispered.

Confused, I asked him, "what?"

"The lighthouse. Do you want to see it?"

My goodness, we were in the middle of intense passion and he asked me if I wanted to see the lighthouse? I was about to come!

"Um... now?"

"Yes, now," his eyes shone brightly with a promise, "we can continue where we left off."

My eyes rolled, and let out a frustrated sigh, "you wish. You just killed the fire there, mister."

He chuckled, and lifted my chin with his fingers. His face was so close, his eyes holding mine.

"Miss Rosi, you forgot," he teased me, "this area is not totally private. Staff walked behind the trees and bushes without us noticing them," he glanced at the big oak tree and pointed at it, "there's CCTV there, and in every corner of this garden."

My eyes grew big in a panic. How could I forget such things, and succumb into my desire for him.

I pushed him and stood up, feeling so upset and embarrassed, "get out of my way. I hate you. You shouldn't have started it. You... you kissed my thigh..."

"I'm sorry. For a moment, I forgot it too," he took my hand, lacing it with his, "come on, let's get out of here. The ants are having a feast, I don't want you to be bitten again."

He bent down and removed an ant crawling on my feet.

"Okay," I exhaled a long sigh, "I'm going to see your Pops house too, right?"

"Sure," he agreed easily, with a naughty smile, "I'll give you a tour."

I glowered at him suspiciously. I knew what he meant, a tour that starts in the bedroom.

I removed my hand from his, and poked his chest with my forefinger.

"Whatever YOU have in mind, it's not going to happen. So you better behave."

"I'm always behaving."

My lips curled, "you call that behaved? You have a dirty mind, going down my thigh, sucking the bite."

"I was treating it. Do you know that saliva is an antiseptic? You should know better, because that's what primitive people did in the past."

I gave him a long angry stare, "don't start it, Kristov, or we're done here. I'm not going to talk to you anymore."

"I'm just kidding," he teased me, "did I ever tell you that you look so beautiful when you're angry?"

"Stop it, that's too cliche. Save it to your new conquest," I scoffed, "that kiss was a mistake. It shouldn't happen again."

"A mistake? How can a beautiful kiss be a mistake?" he chuckled, "besides, you initiated it, you wanted it as badly as I did."

"Are you going to keep on reminding me that?"

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