𝘀𝗶𝘅. 𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆

998 26 7

"do we really have to go inside?" robin asks as i pull up to steve's house.
"we have to show our support, besides. how bad could it be?" i ask.
robin plasters a very apparently fake smile on her face

"ah yes. a party with freshmen. everyone's dream!" she says sarcastically.
"you're so dramatic" i say with a laugh.

robin turns to me and gleams before getting out of the car making me follow her. after closing the door we see many highschoolers piling into the harrington household.

i glance at robin before heading inside. once we get inside we see just how crowded it is inside. i notice robin turn her attention to the backyard making me turn my head to be met with a keg.

"what the fuck." i hear robin mutter
"is he serious?" i ask out of pure shock seeing a child doing a handstand on a keg.
robin shakes her head before pulling me into a kitchen with drinks.

i pour some concoction from the table into a red solo cup and take a sip before leaning on on one of the cabinets.
"ew what is this?" i ask in disgust.

robin shrugs as she grabs a can from the fridge and opens it. as soon as she take a sip we see the man of the hour make his way towards us.
"and there he is." i say before taking another sip out of my cup.

"hello you two!" steve slurs
"great dingus is drunk." robin says to me making steve offended
"drunk?!. me? never." he says dramatically.

"sure.." i say before he tries to lean in to kiss me. i can smell the alcohol seeping off of him making me want to barf. i move out of the way quickly as steve almost falls into the counter.

he laughs it off and turns towards us.
"i'll see you two ladies in a bit." he says pointing at us while walking backwards. while doing so he almost knocks over a 14 year old. he mutters a quick apology to the kid before turning around.

me and robin burst out into a fit of laughter before she scans the crowd.
"oh my god is that tammy?!" she exclaims making me look over and notice the girl.
"who?" i ask confused
"a girl i used to have a major crush on." robin states as she takes a sip of her drink.

"oh. she's pretty hot." i say while robin nods.
"i think i'm gonna go talk to her, will you be fine here?" she asks not even looking at me.
before i can even say anything she's off.

i sigh and get more to drink. there's absolutely nothing i hate more than being left alone in a crowded room. after a couple more boring minutes i notice max making her way towards me.

"mad max!" i exclaim making her tilt her head.
"val? are you drunk?" she asks making me look up.
"i don't think i am? probably just buzzed is all." i say.
"mhm." says max.

"well i'll leave you to it. i actually met some people here! thanks for inviting me!" she says before running off.
"alone once again" i say to myself before taking another long chug of my drink.

after a few more drinks i suddenly find myself moving to the dance floor. to be fair i think a madonna song was playing and that can get anybody moving.

i wedged my way in between two people and moved around to the beat of the song. i felt someone's hands on me but in the moment i didn't notice or care i guess.

𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗱 - 𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆Where stories live. Discover now