𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻. 𝘄𝗲'𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁!

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after the excruciatingly long work day, i barely got any sleep. my mind was racing with all of the possible scenarios about tomorrow, mostly bad but in my mind i played out every scenario.


the ringing of my alarm clock took me out of my racing thoughts seemingly taunting me.


it rang once more before i slammed my hand down on it, shutting it off.

i sat up on my bed, running a hand through my hair. not prepared for what i was about to do in the slightest.


i rushed over to my closet, throwing on the outfit that screamed 'confessing your feelings casual' the most.

running over to my mirror, i start hyper fixating on every out of place detail before being interrupted by my landline ringing.

"i'll get it!" i shout as i pick up the phone, tucking it between my shoulder and ear before fixing my hair.

"can you pick me up today?" max pleads on the line.
"you don't even have to ask." i say with a sigh making max huff.

"val, please for the love of god, stop stressing out." she starts.
"the worst that could happen is that robin hates you for rest of your senior year. so be it." she finishes

she was telling the truth but honestly i didn't want it.

"gee thanks!" i say while looking in my mirror once more.
"okay i'll be leaving in five." i say hanging up quickly.

i'm sat on my bed tying my shoes quickly before muttering a few phrases to myself.

"hi robin!" i say enthusiastically.
"no, that's too much." i say
"hey." i say monotony
"no, she'll think i don't care." i give up

"you know what? i'll just wing it! max is right."
i say to myself before running out of the house, car keys in hand.


"are you okay dude? you look like a ghost." max says as i get in the car.
"don't say that!" i shout
"kidding!" she shouts back in defense.

the drive was slow, slower than normal but honestly that was probably what my brain was telling me in that moment.

"val. you cant go in there freaking out. you need to have somewhat of a plan. like even an outline???" she explains making me nod as i pull into the hawkins high parking lot.

everyone starts walking into the gym, ready for the basketball game everyones been waiting for.

"okay um. i think i'll catch her after the game." i explain making max nod.
"please sit with me." i beg making max immediately shake her head.

"no. you're a big girl now val! i have to let you fly" she jokes as the both of us get out.

"you got this. i'll meet up with you after, okay?" she says as she walks backwards before turning and running into the school to meet up with her friends.

i let out a sigh as i lock the car before seeing steve starting to walk in.

i run up to him, out of relief to see he's alone and not with a random chick he has no intention of seeing again.

"steve!" i shout making him turn around, he looks relieved to see me as well.
"val. you have to talk to robin, she's driving me insane." he pleads making me chuckle a bit.

"that's why i'm here! believe me i wouldn't be watching a basketball game if i wasn't." i explain to him.

"but i'm doing it after the game. please can i sit with you?" i plead.
"duh?" he says as he grabs my arm pulling me into the gym.


steve leads me to the bleachers as my eyes scan the crowd, i spot robin in her band uniform as we make brief eye contact.

i look away instantly as steve pulls me down to sit.
"val you're like super tense right now." he says into my ear making me let out a breath.

"i'm calm now, i think." i explain before seeing robin laugh with one of her bandmates. my faint smile falters, which steve notices quickly, following my eyes.

"don't worry about her val, she's strictly a friend." he explains.

i don't know why this is getting to me, it's my fault, i don't have a right, despite this i still let it bother me.


from what i could tell from steve's excited reactions, the basketball game went really well. i even found myself getting a little excited when lucas made the winning shot before remembering max was very much still mad at him.

"that was awesome!" steve shouts over the crowd of people as the two of us laugh.
it then hits me as the crowd starts clearing out that it's time.

max makes her way over to the both of us, smiling with steve, silently encouraging me to go over to her.

"i cant just run into the band room yet." i state

the pair roll their eyes as they notice the band mates start clearing out.
"alright you've stalled long enough, now go!" steve exclaims before max lightly pushes me.

i take a deep breath as i walk down the steps, slowly making my way over to the band room.


"𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨?"

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"𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨?"


(𝗔𝗡: omg this is new 😱 a double update 🤨. i was just too excited and after making you guys wait for like two months i feel like you deserve it!!. final chapter coming soon!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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