𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻. 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀

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when i opened my eyes the next morning, the first thing i did was look at my alarm clock. my eyes widened at the time immediately waking me up.

i practically jump out of bed before feeling something shift. i look over and see robin readjusting her position on the bed. i run my hands through my hair as i try to recall the events from the last night.

i could only remember a few things like the fight but they weren't exactly piecing together.
"dude why didn't you wake me up!" i hear from robin next to me.

"i kinda just woke up myself." i say before getting out of bed, making my way to my closet.
"what are you doing?" she asks as i rummage through the hangers in my closet.
"looking for an outfit for work?" i state.

"shoot. could i borrow something? i smell like alcohol and prepubescents" she asks.
"of course" i say not looking at her. i finally find my outfit before looking at an outfit for robin.

i turn around with the outfit in my hands as i see robin already in her bra. my eyes widen slightly before biting my lip and quickly giving her the clothes.

after putting on the outfit, i go into my bathroom to clean up a bit.
as i walk out i see robin grab her keys off my night stand.
"ready to go?" she asks with a smile
"we're very late but yes." i say.


the car ride was pretty interesting, robin filed me in about everything that happened at the party that i couldn't remember myself.
"remind me to never drink again." i say after robin finishes telling me about everything.

"duly noted. you were kinda fun drunk though, i'll miss her." she says with a laugh.
"well the aftermath.. isn't as fun" i state as we pull up to the palace arcade lot.

"you know you need to talk to him." robin says as we get out of the car.
"i know, i guess i should do that now." i state making her nod and grab my wrist.

sighing, i let robin lead me towards the family video store.
as we walk in we see steve already behind the desk turned around seemingly working on something.
"i'll be with you in a sec." he says thinking we are customers.

"dingus, someone's here to see you." robin says automatically making steve turn around.
i wave awkwardly as he smiles at me before getting out from behind the counter.

steve starts walking up to me seemingly nervous.
"do you uh remember last night?" he asks as he reaches the two of us.
"yup." i say awkwardly making steve nod before running back to the desk to grab something.

steve walks towards me with flowers in his hand. i smile at the gesture before he places the bouquet into my hands.
"i'm uh really sorry val, i was totally out of line. i was drunk and like that's not an excuse-" he rambles on while i giggle making him making him stop his ramble.

"is something wrong?" he asked concerned.
"no uh, i forgive you steve" i say making the both of us smile.
"that quick?" robin asks making steve roll his eyes before he leans in to kiss me.

i missed this feeling, when kissing steve it felt like no one else was in the room with us. only this time, that changed. while kissing steve i was staring at robin.

i push steve away quickly after noticing this, with a fake smile taking place immediately.
"i have to go to work but i'll uh see you two later!" i say.
not waiting for their responses, i rush out of the shop and make my way over to the arcade.


after sitting at the desk for a bit i started thinking of why i suddenly looked at robin while looking at steve. i came to terms with the fact that it was probably because she's been really close with me- and the bra thing- yeah, that seems the most plausible.

my attention was drawn to the sound of the bell, meaning someone had just walked into the arcade.
i lift my head up while saying my rehearsed line
"welcome to the palace-".
i see it's max and stop my sentence while max runs up to the desk.

"what. happened. at. the. party." she asks out of breath.
"you didn't hear?" i ask as max shakes her head.
"no. everyone keeps saying 'there was a crazy fight' so spill!" she says
i roll my eyes. "it wasn't a crazy fight" i defend.
"get on with it!" she says with a laugh.

"okay so, in short i was dancing you know just a little tipsy after steve like left me alone right. and then steve comes up to me, acts like i'm cheating on him. says it's bullshit and yeah." i explain making her frown.

"oh. well what happened after?" she questions.
"well. robin took me home, she stayed over-" i start before being interrupted by max.
"she stayed over?!?" max exclaims while giving
me a weird look.

"yes max." i say
"okay well what happened with you and him?" she asks.
"i forgave him." i state making max frown once more.

"that quickly??" she asks making me laugh.
"funny enough, you and robin said the exact same thing." i respond as she brushes it off.
"anything else?" she quizzes.

"maybe the fact that you're nosy" i say.
"okay okay, uh he kissed me.. i was looking at robin, and then i came here-" i say before max stops me.

"hold up. you were looking at robin while you were kissing steve?!" she shouts as i nod not seeing the issue.

"what the fuck." max says.

"𝙪𝙥 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙞 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙩"

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"𝙪𝙥 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙞 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙩"

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