Chapter 32- Peace at last?

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Authors Note- Thanks for being patient. This was a doozy to write out so I thank you all for all the love. Be sure to let me know in the comments your thoughts. There is a minor recap for the first page of this one from the last chapter to set the scene.

As Link cradled Zelda close in his arms, he heard the chaotic hum of war drum in his ears until their blaring echos felt like they would consume him. The enemy approaches.

He had to get somewhere safe. But, where? He wondered. It's not like a warzone is the prime example of a safe place to be. When no path opened up for him, he cursed under his breath.

"Damnit...I can't just leave her. But, if I don't. They will surely find her.."

With little choice of where to go, he went with his best bet and made off for a nearby enclave. It would have to do for now. An area with thick rubble that covered that part of the city had several collapsed walls made of massive broken stones stacked on top of one another. "Zelda. We're almost there." He whispered

Link's heart raced, and his hands trembled as he held her close. And remembered only then to let her loose as not to suffocate her.

Once secluded among a labyrinth of broken buildings, he laid her gently down among a clearing away from villains. Only then did he realize that she was not responding at all and sank to his knees by her side. Instantly, his relief gave way to worry and panic. "Oh no, Zelda...Please, what's wrong!?" He pleaded.

Sheer terror consumed him. It took everything he had to force his hands steady from shaking to study her further as she layout in front of him. As gently as he could, he rested the side of her chin against the cold stone floor. He reassuringly parted her bangs and immediately began a desperate effort to revive her. But, just as he did so, an eruption roared from behind them louder than the last. The battle waged on, and its architect of disaster was on his way.

Not seeing it safe to leave her out in the open among the multitude of broken buildings, he immediately carried her further deep in-between the collapsed stone that was secluded. A place hidden in the shadows. One where they couldn't be seen.

After more evaluation, he took her wrist and felt for her pulse. The steady beat of her heart in his hand reassured him. He sighed a breath of relief, but the lingering doubt remained, itching the back of his mind for her absence that he couldn't shake off. "She's just unconscious..." He squeezed her hand tighter, upset at the possibility. "But, why? What could have done this?"

Link loosed his hands from her and continued to squeeze a fist for being so careless, and the notion he could have done this to her made him shiver with regret.

"How could I be so stupid?! I could never forgive myself if I did this!"

Zelda remained limp yet was still breathing normally, which set some ease to his troubled heart. "Please, you have to wake up...Please... You can't...Please..."

More explosions boomed from around them, and he felt the danger encroaching with every passing second—some way, he had to deter them and steal their attention as far away from her as possible.

"Lay here...and don't you worry. Take all the time you need...If I could take a hundred years to wake up for you, I can wait ten times that and then some... You don't need to worry about a thing. I'll handle this.Stay safe and hidden."

He grazed her sweet hand across his lips as he spoke, then gently kissed her. He positioned her atop some growing grass between some broken cobblestones, where he could make a makeshift pillow for her in the shadows.

Unbeknownst to him, he never saw the sheath she had strapped underneath her cloak. Nor did he care to take any notice. All that mattered to him was her well-being.

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