The Hunt for Redina

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'We must find out where this troublemaker Redina is!' Tom said, after him and the friends had gotten out of the station and out in the open, on the pavements of the town.

'And she has been harassing me since forever in the past in the form of Angie Fierce, and then she even annoyed Becca in the form of Becca Fierce, and now she has returned once again in the form of Redina to harass us even more!' Angela complained 'This has gone on for way too long. This must stop immediately, at all costs. Angie Fierce or Redina, whatever she may be, she must be stopped right now!'

'But how are we supposed to find her?' Ginger asked.
'We do have Bongo and McGillicuddy now, and both of them are pro detectives, so obviously they can help us with that!' Hank answered. 

On the other hand, Redina was watching all of their conversations through her own magical prowess, and when she saw them conversing about finding her, she just laughed and yelled "You fools, just because you have a few fictional animated detectives by your side now does not mean that you can find me! For I am not in Reality at all, but rather, I am in the Realm of Shadows and Reflections, which can only be accessed through either Mirrors or Water Reflections, and until and unless you try to dive deep into a Mirror, you can never access this Realm of mine! This Realm where I rule, can only be accessed through mirrors alone, as it is not a part of Reality at all. But look at these fools, trying to search me in the Real World, sigh, ha ha!"

Bongo and McGillicuddy tried all their detectives skills to figure out where Redina's Mansion was, but even after trying it all, they still could not find her or her mansion. At this point, Talking Tom and Friends got a bit tired, as it was night, and so much had happened during the day, so they decided to go back home, back to the garage. But as they were going back, Ginger said "I think we could not find Redina because we have been searching it wrong. I think there is more than we can see. I think there's a bigger picture here. Redina is very expert with her Magic Tricks, so maybe she is hiding in some alternate reality, and harassing us from that alternate reality, maybe?"

When Ben heard this, he just laughed and said "Multi-verses have not been completely proven yet, Ginger! You are just a kid, so you have much to learn. Till now, let's focus on this universe or this reality alone!" 

Even though Ben laughed at Ginger, the others did pay some attention to what Ginger had said, and they did think about it. Ginger had put forth a nice and interesting thought before The Friends. 

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