Trying To Recruit

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And so the plan to assemble all the peoples of the town against the great evil, Redina, began!
Redina could not only harass Talking Tom and Friends, but with her magical prowess,. become a big headache for the entire town as well, so it was in the own benefit of the people of the town to join Talking Tom and Friends in their fight against Redina!

First of all, the Friends went to Victoria Payne's residence, but they heard from her guards that she was out of town, and she had taken a flight to review a concert elsewhere. So their first attempt to recruit ended up in a disappointment. Redina could see this through her magic portal, and seeing this failure, she laughed. 

Then The Friends went to Autumn Summers, but instead of helping, Autumn Summers started mocking Angela and making fun of her fashion choices. So The Friends went away from Summers as well, and their second attempt was wasted as well. Redina chuckled, seeing this.

Then The Friends went to The Landlord, who said "Ah no you all don't pay your rent, or you pay it late, so you get no help me, ah.", so The Friends went away from The Landlord's Residence as well, and their third attempt was wasted as well. Redina got satisfied at this, and closed her portal down, as she was interested no more in seeing what The Friends were upto, and she would rather focus on her new captive, Bongo and McGillicuddy, instead.

Talking Tom and Friends were feeling very helpless at this point, as all the people they were trying to recruit straight up refused or even insulted them. 

But still, with a little hope in their heart, they went to the CEO's Building next, and they entered into his building after passing the guards, and they took the lift to go straight to the CEO himself.
They were optimistic about this. 

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