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The next morning, Jun woke up to an arm around the middle of her body, wrapping itself tighter around her and pulling her closer.

She blinked slowly before opening one eye and sleepily looking around the bedroom she was in. It wasn't hers and as the events of last night shot into her head like a flash, she wrenched her eyes open and tried to free herself from the embrace she was in.

But instead of the grip loosening, she was nearly crushed and gasped for breath for a moment.

"Kakashi...breathe...I can't...", and that's when his grip loosened and he buried his face in her neck before all she heard was a low grumble from him.

"Thanks.", she murmured softly and now she turned around to face him and looked into his sleeping face before he buried his face in the crook of her neck and she giggled softly.

Slowly her hand ran through his soft, silver hair and she enjoyed the sight which just offered itself to her.

She enjoyed seeing his sleeping face, feeling his warm skin on hers and waking up together with him. It was something she had wanted for so long.

"Sleep.", Kakashi murmured tiredly and stroked with one hand under her shirt to gently stroke her bare back.

"I have to pee, though." she whispered, continuing to stroke through his hair.

"No.", came only from him as an answer and he refused to let her go, but she really needed to go to the bathroom urgently, but probably she would hold out for a few more minutes.

Her hand now slowly slid from his hair, over his temple, and then down his cheek to gently stroke his soft skin. She surveyed every millimeter of his face and she felt so incredibly good that he had found the courage to remove his mask in front of her.

She loved his face, even back when he had the mask on. She loved his eyes and that was why she had fallen in love with him. As sad and hurt as his eyes sometimes seemed, they were so wonderfully warm and full of shine on other days.

She loved his hair, especially when he took off his headband or when his hair was wet from the rain or when he came out of the shower.

And now that he wasn't wearing a mask, she loved his nose, which he always crinkled a little when he thought about something. Or his wonderful lips when he smiled. His little birthmark that made his face more perfect.

"Why are you staring at me like that?", he asked sleepily, his voice a little darker and scratchier than usual.

"Huh? I'm not.", she said quickly when she felt caught and just kept stroking his cheek with her fingers while closing her eyes.

"You can't lie, you know that?", and now he lifted his head and looked into Jun's eyes as his hand slowly continued to stroke the skin on her back.

"Kakashi...I really need to go to the bathroom.", and now with a grumble he let go of her rather involuntarily and turned to his other side before putting the blanket over his head and probably trying to sleep again.

And finally Jun could go to the bathroom and that gave her a relief that went through her whole body.

After she was done, she went into his kitchen and opened the fridge to grab the bottle of water and take a big gulp. She enjoyed the cold water as it slid down her throat and then she took the bottle and went back to the bedroom.

She put it on the nightstand before crawling back into bed with Kakashi and snuggling up to him from behind while her hand slowly slid over his muscular and well-toned stomach.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now