I'm waad

106 18 25

so this body can't talk
Ok that explains a lot

I looked at the maid
she was at the verge of crying
Sheesh what's wrong with this people
At this rate she won't be of help
*leave *
I wrote it in the notebook and showed it to her
{ Yes I will and please call if you needed something} -said the maid

I guess she was too stressed that she forgot about my breakfast
"whatever it's not like I wanted to eat anyway "

I sat at the desk
and put the notebook in front of me "guess this is the key to understand what's happening "

~~~~~~after reading the book

Seeing the dates in the top of each paper I understood two thing

1. This book have everything the girl wrote only in this year which means there's probably different notebooks for each year

2.the year of the book is 327 which is way different than my real world's time

So does that mean I traveled in time?
But it's scientifically impossible

Well till now nothing makes sense
but I will clear my head
and try to understand this situation

I stood up
and went to the mirror
Yeah there is no way this is me
so apparently the girl in front of me
named Alexander,
a duke daughter
and the ex fiancee of a prince

Damn what an interesting life
But me,
my life was interesting too for me

I am a girl with no statue in society
but I love my life ,
I love waking up to my cat liking my face,
I love having coffee in the break time,
I love buying gifts for mom ,
I love trying new recipes that I found in the internet even if they turn out bad,
I love doing theatre,
I love gossiping about the teachers......
I just want my life
I don't want to live in someone else's body ,
I want to live as Me.

(waad) not Alexandra .

I'm still myself,
I am waad
I am not Alexandra,
I'm just trapped in her body
and I will certainly find a way to return to my life .

Well in the meantime
I need to adapt
so that people won't think that I'm a copycat or worse ...

I guess the easiest way to do so is by reading the notebooks .

I set again at the desk
and took my sweet time reading it
that I didn't notice the knocking.

#knock knock#

The beautiful lady walked in
{My baby why didn't you come to eat dinner with us}-said the duchess

Wow it was already dinner ,time flies I guess

*I wasn't hungry *
I wrote at the notebook and showed it to her,
actually the reason why I didn't come is because no one told me
but I guess I shouldn't say this

{It's okay if you don't wanna eat but please don't confine yourself, I'd love if you went out for shopping}-said the duchess,

Oh damn
I don't want another quarantine 2020 was enough ,
but the thing is I just came here yesterday
so I don't know how Alexandra act .

Does she usually go out?

Actually ....
after reading some pages of her notebook
I did notice that she likes dresses and sparkly jewelry
but I'm not sure whether she was addressing her words to a worker in a boutique outside of the castle or just maids in here that brings these accessories to her room .

Oh well ,
going out sounds like a good idea,
I do need to explore this world
and visiting the town where I suppose I will be shopping is the best way to do so.

*can I go out tomorrow?*

her face glowed while reading it

{of course darling and wouldn't it be best if we went shopping together?}

I only want to go out by myself....


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