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It's morning
The first rays of sun lit up this room like prison
and I'm still sitting in the same corner from last night
covering this weird face with my hands

I have yet to sleep
but all this thinking keeps me up
My mind can't take it anymore
I spent all night trying to comprehend my situation but with no use
I still don't even know what happened to me that night after my fight with mom ...
The only thing I still remember is that I was in my own appartement
« Did someone break in and kidnap me? »
« Are they some psycho scientist ? »

But just thinking will not help me
I need some clues ...maybe the maid girls can help

But where are they
No one came during the night
Not even the weird lady calling me « child »
Oh well it doesn't seem like they're coming now ....

"did they went to kidnappe another one?"

Ok then I might at least learn more about this body
And so I stood up in front of the mirror...

pale skin with some light pink freckles and green eyes with a very long black hair ....
She have similar eyes and face to that beautiful lady but she's quite different from her
This face is more of a calm and weak aura and the other lady have more of a harsh expression with a domineering aura ...just like the angry man

They definitely can pass as the family of this girl (referring to the reflection in the mirror)

This girl...
it's totally not me
I'm brown with black eyes and short hair with bangs ...not the prettiest but at least it's ME

"it makes no sense"
even the height is different
the girl in mirror looks like a child
but I'm a 23 yo woman
Am I going crazy
Is this a sick dream
How do I wake up then
« I get it I just need to poke myself with something sharp »

Then I noticed a small knife
« It will do the job »

And so I rolled my sleeves ready to make some drops comes out
just to be welcomed by a big shock.....
« This hand is full of....scars »

A quiet tear fell to my cheek
I didn't notice myself crying until I had a complete blurry vision ,
even though I kept staring at the girl in mirror thinking
"what's happened to her?"
"She's soo small yet so miserable"
I may not know this girl but it hurts to see a little kid having to endure such a horrible thing

Did no one notice this?? Not even her family

did that beautiful lady say the truth?

According to that lady I'm her daughter....
No, this body belongs to her daughter and she's just 13 yo
in a way it makes sense .....

So how did she let her daughter go troughs such a horrible thing
OR did she do it herself?!...

what am I thinking this is absolutely absurd

#knock knock#

A "maid" entered the room
"Finally a human"
{good morning my lady, oh I see you've waken up early} -said the maid
I stared at her
"Well girl I didn't even sleep"
But I couldn't say that
and so I pointed at my mouth
after all for some reason
I can't speak
{Ah I apologise my lady rude of me I forget to give you your note book }

She went to a drawer
and pulled a heavy looking book attached to it what looks like a black chalk

"I wonder what's that for "

{Here my lady ...write what you want for breakfast} -said the maid
I took the note book and wrote
*why do I need it*
she gasped
and her face turned blue

{ I'm..s..sorry I..I mus..t know w..what want tto eat}
she looked at me with fear and continued
{I..I know lady ...d..don..t like when when ..people point..that you're..mute...but please FORGIVE ME}


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