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Meredith was crying outside the doors of the hospital. Usually I wouldn't care but the poor girl has been going through hell lately so needless to say I went to comfort her.

"do you want some sand?" I asked I knew it was a stupid question but I watched as she turned around to face me, wiping away stray tears with a chuckle.

"what?" she asked a smile appearing on her face despite the tears still steadily flowing.

It's a trick I learnt, I don't remember where. But when someone is crying if you ask them a stupid question the confusion boosts their mood" I explained handing her the rest of my coffee "did it work?"

"that among other things might of" she smiled "thank you addison"

School is quite stressful lately so I haven't been Putting too much pressure on myself to write a new chapter. But I will tell you I have half of one written so.... Soon I promise 💞

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