Your My Best Friend

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"meredith, you know how your my best friend in the whole world" addison began taking a deep breathe "Well see, here's the thing"

Her reflection in the mirror stared back at her "I think I'm in love with you"

"I love you too" meredith replied from the spot she had taken in the doorway five minutes previous.

"oh no you uh you weren't supposed to hear that" addison panicked. She began to fiddle with her hands and pick the skin around her nails nervously but soon stopped when meredith took her hands into her own.

"so you don't love me?" meredith asked lifting Addison's chin so that their eyes would meet.

"of course I love you"

"good because I love you too and I wanted to give you something"

"what is it?"

"this" meredith answered leaning in to addison and kissing her lips softly.

This one's kind of similar to the last one but oh well 🤷‍♀️

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