I Think You're Beautiful

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"Well, what do you think?" meredith asked her girlfriend as she gave a spin.

"I think you look stunning" addison smiled but she noticed how uncomfortable meredith looked, so she patted the empty space on her lap and allowed the blonde to curl up into her.

"I think you look beautiful but that's not important" addison said kissing the top of meredith's head "what's important is that you're comfortable and happy"

"it is?"

"yup because as long as your happy you'll always look amazing" addison smiled.

"I just don't feel confident enough in this right now" meredith whimpered "is it okay if I wear my suit instead?"

"will it make you happy?"

Meredith nodded her head yes from where she sat cuddled into addison chest.

"Then hurry and get it or we'll be late and Richard will have our heads" addison laughed as meredith scampered off into her walk in wardrobe, Coming out a few minutes later in her black suit with her white shirt and black bow tie.

"thank you addie"

"no problem mer"

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