Father's Day Dilemma

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"addie?" meredith asked her wife as they sat at the kitchen table eating their breakfast.

"yes my love" came Addison's reply as she continued to read through eillis grey's old medical journal.

"when we have a baby, how are we going to celebrate fathers day? the baby doesn't have a dad what if it feels left out" meredith panicked.

"Well one of us will be mama and one will be mommy so we can celebrate mothers day for whoever takes the mommy title and whoever gets mama can have fathers day or as we can call it 'mamas day'" addison reasoned calming down her wide and soothing any of her previous worry's.

" there are bucket loads of solutions my love and all of them involve our future baby feeling included, happy and safe " addison smiled rubbing the top of Meredith's hand " just because our baby won't have a father figure it doesn't mean it will live a live of pain and suffering, it will be fine"

"your right thank you addie"

"I'm mommy by the way"

"I wanted to be mama anyway"

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