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"take me home, pleeeeaassse?" meredith drunkenly begged a startled redhead sitting a few empty seats away from her at the emerald city bar.

"okay but I don't know where your house is" addison shrugged standing up off of her seat and gesturing for the grey girl to follow but to her confusion the blonde remained seated with a drunken smirk spread across her features.

"not my home silly, your home" she smirked her eyes flirty and tempting.

"no your drunk meredith and I'm not maybe some other time"

"please" meredith begged giving the redhead her best puppy dog eyes.

Eventually she caved rolling her eyes. "fine but we can only cuddle and you can stay in my bed if you want but I'm not having sex with you" she laughed.

"that's good enough for me!" the blonde cheered grabbing her bag and swiftly running out the door "see you tomorrow Joe"

"bye Dr. Grey have fun! The bartender shouted back.

"I definitely will" came Meredith's response.

"don't get your hopes up too much grey I'm a cuddler and your not" addison said as the pair walked in to her hotel room.

"I'm very cuddly only with you though" the blonde whispered as she tackled the redhead onto the bed wrapping herself up in the redhead like a koala bear.

"night mer" addison laughed but the only reply she got was Meredith's drunken snores.

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