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For two weeks everything was going well. In the first week after they had sex, Clarke had become her old sexual self, annoying Lexa with all the sex jokes, the random butt squeezes, and the random butt slaps. The second week was the same, Clarke was her usual self, their sex lives were back to how they used to be, everything was good. Until the third week.

"Hey honey, what are you doing here?" Abby asked when Clarke walked into her office and laid down on the couch.

"I feel sick, I already threw up two times today and three yesterday. Lexa was worried so she forced me to come here."
"Oh my god, honey are you okay?"
"I don't know mom, that's why I'm here. You're the doctor."
"Okay, well when did you start feeling sick? When did you first start throwing up?"

"God, it was so embarrassing. It just came out of nowhere like four days ago and- and I almost threw up on Lexa during sex. She was like, you know, down there," Clarke said as she gestured down towards her center, "and it happened so fast. All of a sudden I had to throw up and jumped up to run to the bathroom. And when I jumped up I fell on the ground because my legs were a little wobbly. So I got up and ran to the bathroom and I missed the toilet by an inch, a fucking inch mom, I threw up on the ground an inch away from the toilet because I didn't turn my head fast enough. And I started crying because I was so embarrassed that I threw up on the floor and almost on Lexa. When Lexa came in she kept telling me it was okay and she would clean it so I could lay down. She kissed me but there was so much snot from me crying that she pulled away, and then I threw up again. It was in the toilet that time though. But mom the whole thing was so embarrassing, I still can't look Lexa in the face, it was just so embarrassing."

Abby sat there listening to her daughter's rambling, trying not to laugh at how upset Clarke was about the whole situation. "So four days ago?"
"Four very embarrassing days ago."
"Okay, what else is wrong?"
"Uhhh, I have a headache."
"For how long?"
"Umm, for about a week, also I've been really tired."
"Anything else?"

"No, not that I-" Clarke said, getting interrupted by her phone dinging. "Lexa says not to forget to tell you that I've been having headaches, which I did, that I- actually here just read it, she keeps texting and it's too much."
"God, your so lazy," Abby said as she took Clarke's phone.
"I think I saw lazy in there too."

Sexy Lexy😮‍💨🥵

Don't forget to tell your mom you've been having headaches
you've been tired and not your lazy normal tired
you've been throwing up
and you've been constipated which you need to stop talking about in detail because it's extremely gross
really thought if i dated a girl i wouldn't have to hear about gross things...sadly i was wrong
oh and you've been extremely grumpy lately

"Really Clarke?"
"I asked you and all you said was you had headaches and you were tired."
"I couldn't remember."
"Also why can't you have a normal contact name for her?"
"That's what I put it as when I first got her number," Clarke said shrugging her shoulders, "I like it."

Sexy Lexy😮‍💨🥵

oh and you've been peeing a lot
like way more than usual
can't even go anywhere bcuz ur peeing too much
when i told Callie she told me to make you wear diapers

"She's exaggerating about the peeing," Clarke said as she looked over her mom's shoulder, reading the texts.
"Okay, well let's get a urine sample so we can rule out a UTI. Fatigue, nausea, and cramps are all symptoms of a UTI."
"I don't have to pee."
"Oh really? Because according to Lexa you pee too much."
"I told you she was exaggerating."

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