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"Good morning little one," Lexa whispered before kissing Clarke's baby bump. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you last night, I was umm, I- I was busy."
"Babe, if she can hear you now, trust me, she definitely knows you were a little preoccupied last night."
"Clarke," Lexa said as she slapped the blonde's arm, "shut up, don't say things like that."
"Sorry," Clarke whispered while trying to hide her smirk.

"Don't listen to her little one, she still has to learn about filtering. Anyway, we found out you're a girl yesterday, which I'm so excited about. Since I was ten I've always wanted to have a girl first, and I'm just so excited. We actually started getting your room ready. We're thinking about gender-neutral colors, like yellows, tans, greens. I've been thinking, and I think we should have an earthy theme, maybe your other mum could paint something. I can try to help with that, but I'd probably just mess it up, she's the extremely talented painter in this relationship. But that's all for now, I'll talk to you again tonight."

"I think I'm going to start recording your little talks," Clarke said.
"For memories, to look back on when we're old, for maybe her to look back on."
"What happened to never getting old?"
"Oh shit your right. To look back on when we stay 40 forever."

"The baby, Clarke," Lexa said with her hands covering Clarke's stomach.
"Hey, I haven't cursed all day today."
"The day just started."
"Besides you weren't saying anything about not cursing last night when you practically screamed every curse word there is. Plus, she can't hear voices yet, not until she's at least twenty-three weeks old."
"I don't care if she can't hear us, stop-"

"Oh- Oh my god, Lex," Clarke said in shock as her hand went to her stomach while interrupting the brunette.
"What- What's wrong?"
"I- I think she kicked."
"What? Where?"
"Here, put your hand here," Clarke said then grabbed the brunette's hand, putting it where she felt the kick. "I- I felt something a couple of times the other day but it felt like fluttering, like when you have butterflies in your stomach so I didn't think anything of it, but I think she just kicked."

They sat there in silence with Lexa's hand on her stomach, waiting for a kick. As they waited Lexa looked up at Clarke, about to ask if the blonde was sure that she felt the baby kick when all of a sudden she felt it.

"Oh my god- Oh my god she kicked! Clarke, she kicked! The baby kicked!" Lexa said in shock with tears starting to fill her eyes.
"Baby, why are you crying?"
"I- I'm not, I'm just happy, extremely happy."
"Aww my cutie, get over here."

Lexa moved up till she was laying next to Clarke, who pulled her in for a hug, whispering how adorable she was. She gave her a soft kiss, smiling into it, as she put her hand on Clarke's stomach just in time to feel another kick.

"Wow, she's kicking a lot," Clarke said when she felt another kick, "maybe she'll become a soccer player."
"I rather her become a volleyball player."
"Like her mama?" Clarke asked as she ran a hand through Lexa's hair.
"Yeah, I can't wait to teach her. If I get on the team I can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend in the stands holding our beautiful baby."

"I know you'll get on the team, I bet one day you'll be on the Australian volleyball team thingy."
"I don't think so."
"Well I do, I know so. I hope you'll be a part of beach volleyball though."
"Why? I hate beach volleyball, the sand always gets in my eyes."
"Because that means you'll be in a bikini which will show off that amazing ass of yours, those sexy abs of yours, and those extremely hot back muscles that I love so much. Also, your boobs, your boobs look great in bikinis, they look even better in nothing, but they look great in bikinis."

"You are no better than a man."
"I have no shame when it comes to loving your body, my love," Clarke said causing Lexa to shake her head while trying not to laugh. "Also, I'm hungry, can you make your strawberry stuffed french toast?"
"Do you want that because it's the only thing I can actually make or do you want that because you actually want that?"

Forever and Always (Clexa AU)Where stories live. Discover now