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"Fuck," Clarke sighed as she saw Lexa come out of the bedroom in her volleyball attire. Volleyball attire being black spandex shorts and a school shirt that Lexa had cut the sleeves off of. "Can we just stay home and have sex instead?"

"What- No, you know we have to leave."
"Okay, but hormones."
"Stop using your hormones as an excuse, I know for a fact you still would have asked if you weren't pregnant."
"Okay, fine, but it's only because you look so fucking good."

"No cursing," Lexa said as she pointed to Clarke's stomach. "And don't I always?"
"Yeah, and I always want sex especially now because of-"
"Hormones, yeah, I know, but we need to go because I can't be late."
"Fine, but we're having victory sex."
"If I even get on the team."
"You will, I know you will."

The whole ride there consisted of Clarke watching Lexa drive while she kept complaining, telling Lexa it wasn't fair that they couldn't have sex. And before they got out of the car Lexa made Clarke promise that she'd be on her best behavior.

"Clarke, it's so good to see you," Indra said while looking at Clarke's baby bump confused.
"I know what you're thinking," Clarke said as she rested her hand on her stomach, "and I agree, I should have stuck with the workouts you made us do in PE."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare, I'm just a little shocked."
"Please, like all the teachers didn't place bets on me getting pregnant in high school."

"That's not tr-"
"I know, it was a joke Coach Indra."
"Oh, of course."
"Lexa secretly has a dick and got me pregnant."
"Shut up, that's not true," Lexa said as she slapped Clarke's arm.

"Oh, how I haven't missed your twelve-year-old boy jokes, Clarke."
"Please, you use to laugh at them all the time."
"Only when you were making fun of the stuck-up snobs."
"Understandable," Clarke said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"So, how did it umm- I- I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say without it sounding rude. How did you get pregnant?"
"Oh, umm-"
"I- I'm sorry," Indra said when she noticed Clarke looked uncomfortable, "I didn't mean to pry. Just ignore that question."
"Umm, no, it's okay. I mean we're two twenty-year-old females, people are gonna ask, I should start getting comfortable with telling people. I mean it is why I'm in therapy," Clarke said, mumbling the last part to herself.
"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Anyway, so uhh, I decided to go to a party without Lexa and some things happened that I didn't consent to and I ended up getting pregnant. Oh, and before you ask, yes we're keeping the baby and yes this is why Lexa missed the original tryouts," Clarke said watching as Indra stared at the two of them in shock. "Please don't look at us like that."

"I- I'm sorry, I'm just- god, I'm so sorry for you guys. You two have been through so much with Lexa getting shot, everything that happened with Roan, everything that happened with your dad, everything that happened with Lexa's mom, now this, I'm just so sorry."
"I completely forgot about that prick," Clarke said.
"Who?" Lexa asked.

"How could you forget- wait Coach Indra, how do you know about all that?"
"Oh, Kane is a very close friend of mine and after you guys graduated he kind of told me everything."
"Who knew Coach Indra was a gossiper," Clarke said earning an eye roll from the other two.

"HEY, COACH!" Someone yelled from somewhere in the gym. "SHOULDN'T WE START PRACTICE!"
"Right, I completely forgot."

Clarke ended up sitting in the stands watching everyone and couldn't believe how much better Lexa was than them. Those girls all got on the team because they were apparently the best and had been playing since they were little, while Lexa had been playing since senior year of high school and was able to score more points than any of them, was able to hit the ball every time, and in Clarke's opinion looked even hotter than all the other girls, but that could have been her hormones, but probably not.

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