I must get older!

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~Three days later~

Right now you were in the kitchen by yourself, just staring at one of the locked cabinets, thinking of ways to open it. You crooked your head then went to it to try to pull it open. Like you thought, it didn't work. You sat on the floor and pouted. You pushed on it but still nothing happened. You couldn't really think of too many other ways to open it. "What are you doing on the floor poppet?"

You quickly looked up towards your dad. "Nothing!" He looked at the cabinet you were in front of. "I-I wasn't trying to open that!...I'm sorry daddy! I was trying to open it then I lied about it!" 

He picked you up while you where whimpering and on the verge of tears. "Why don't you just take a nap dear"


He carried you all the way to the room you both shared and lied you down in the middle of the soft queen sized bed. "Daddy? I'm not sleepy now"

"Then just try to rest your little eyes alright?"


He pats the top of your head and kissed your forehead before leaving the room. Strike one for you. You tossed and turned in the bed as you thought of other ways to figure out what you dad was keeping from you because you were too young. You tired yourself out and slowly went to sleep.

After a few hours, you woke up to your dad watching over you as you slept as he would do from time to time. "Look who's up! Did you sleep well?"

"Hi daddy. Yes I did"

"Oh? You looked quite flustered in your sleep. Are you sure?"

You thought for awhile. "Oh uhm...Well I might have had a bad dream...but it was ok! It wasn't even that scary!"

He clapped before hugging you. "You're so brave dear!"

"Yes I am. Bad dreams aren't scary to me because if something does try to hurt me, I can just call one of my big brothers and they'll make sure that they won't try it again!", you explained. "And big brother Al said he was going to show me how to use a bat like the one he has! He said if anyone tried to mess with me to just use my bat!"

"It's nice to hear you're bonding with your brothers!" You nod. "...You know...I think you might be old enough to try one of my special cupcakes to see if like them"

"Really?!", you excitedly stood up on the bed.

He laughs a bit. "Would you like one?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Can I have it now?!"

"Sure darling. Come with me. You can wait in the living room while I make them for you. Luckily, I got some fresh ingredients a few nights ago", he takes your hand and brings you to the living room. No one else was there besides you and your dad. "Just wait here. I forgot my ingredients in the basement. You stay put ok?"

"Alright", you agreed then went to the couch. You grabbed the remote and turned the television on to see if either a hockey or baseball game was on when the front door opened. You stood up on the couch and looked back. It was Francis and he had a bag with him. "Hi uncle Francis" 

He grumbled in response to you which you thought to be his way of saying hello. He rummaged through the bag and pulled out what looked to you to be a short belt. You didn't like belts. You got scared as he came closer to you with it. You closed your eyes then felt something wrap around your neck but didn't choke you. You reopened your eyes and the short but thick belt was around your neck. You touch it and your fingers go over two pieces of silver you assume to be charms. "...What's this uncle Francis?"

She's...alright(2p!F.A.C.E. x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now