ride along with Al~

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~One week later~

You'd nearly given up thinking of ways to show your daddy that you were old enough to go with him wherever he went but the thought of it was still in the back of your mind. It just wasn't main priority though. You had more things to worry about. Like getting better with the knife that you treasured so much from your uncle. A few days ago, your big brother Al even showed you a game. He said it would help so you won't mess around and cut your fingers off playing with the knife. You were pretty good at the game by now so you were going to show your uncle it.

"Uncle Francis. Look what I can do", you skipped into the living room, pocket knife in hand, then sat in front of the coffee table. You lied your hand flat on the table and spread all your fingers apart.

"What are you doing, mutt?"

"Big brother showed me a game with the knife you gave me! I got real good at it, see?" You lifted up your band-aid covered hand. "I've been practicing and daddy's been fixing my owies"

"Practicing what?", Al plopped down on the couch then questioned you.

"The game you showed me"

"...You actually did that?"

You nod. "Watch!" You put your hand back down and spread your fingers back out. You readied the knife. "Oh! I have all my fingers! The knife goes chop! Chop! Chop! If I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off!"

"She actually fucking did it", Al mumbled. "I didn't think she'd actually try it"

"And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out"

"Is she playing with a knife?", Matt asked as he saw you happily singing with knife in hand.

"I didn't think she'd do it, alright"

"But all the same, I play this game, cause that's what it's all about!"

"Oh god"

"Oh! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! I'm picking up the speed! And if I hit my fingers then my hand will start to bleed!" You move your hand out of the way quickly and jab the knife down onto the table. You grinned proudly. "See? Am I getting better uncle Francis?"

"For a four year old...I guess"


"You showed a four year old, a game with a knife and singing?!",  Matt hit his face. "Really?! Just why?!"

"I didn't think she'd do it! I especially didn't think she'd practice it! Plus, Francis is the one who gave her a knife!"

"Look Matt!", you twirled the knife in your hand then stabbed it back down. "Uncle Francis is showing me a new one. It's really hard but I'm close to getting it!" You threw the knife up and attempted to catch it. That didn't work out and it ended up just cutting your hand. "Ow!...I almost had it"

"This kid is psychotic"

"What does psychotic mean, Matt?"

"Nothing...Forget I said it"

"Ok" You picked the knife back up and tried again. This time your aim was way off and it cut your arm. "Ah! O-opsie"

"There you are (name)! I was looking for you! Would you like a special cupcake?"

"Oh yes! I haven't had one all day!"

Later that day, while your dad was out, you thought of what to do. Your uncle Francis was gone as well, Matt was in his room and you didn't know where Al was. You thought this would be a great time to see if you could figure out some stuff. "What's something else that I can't do?", you contemplated. "I..can't go outside by myself...That should be an easy one!"

She's...alright(2p!F.A.C.E. x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now