Private School to Homeschool

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When you and Al arrived at the store, he took you back to the sports section where you saw a wide variety of different bats.

"Wow!" your eyes grew as you marveled at the many different bats. There were so many to pick from, you didn't know which one you wanted.

Al picked out two different bats. One was silver and slender. It also had what looked to you to be black tape at the end you were suppose to hold it at. The other one looked like the one he had. You know, just less worn, blood stained, and it didn't have nails in, but it was about the same thing. Both were smaller so you could hold them.

"Which one?"

"Uhm...This one looks like yours," You stated as you reached for the wooden one. You swung it side to side. "...I want this one."

"Well that was easy. I could of just bought you one that looked like mine and you'd be happy?"

"I'd be happy with anything you give me, big brother!" you announced joyfully. "And thank you!" You hugged the new bat close to your chest. "We can go home now?"

"Uhm...How about I take you to go get ice cream instead?"

"Wow!! Yay!! Ok!"

"We could even go to the park, and you can try out your bat...For baseball! Don't go around hitting people with it."


You held your head down, being disappointed by the rule.

-----"So what is it?" Francis groaned."You're going to die soon," Gil told him casually."Gil, stop with your depressing death shit."

"No. For once he's not just being a prick. Luci's out to kill you," Toni assured. "He recently got three of your boys."

"How recent is recently, and why didn't I know about it?"

"Recent as in today, and because I'm telling you, dumb ass."

"Oh, my. This does sound quite problematic."

"You use such big words, Oliver," Gil lightly stated.

"Oh, uhm. Thank you."

"It makes me feel uneducated and beneath you to the point where I want to kill myself."

"Did you just bring him to fuck up my high, cause that's all the fuck he does when he's here," Matt complained and rubbed his head.

"I just bring him around cause Gil's my bitch.""I-I'm so empty inside."

"Shut the fuck up! Damn!"

"What else is there?" Francis continued with the main conversation."That's a secret," Toni smirked and tossed his arm around Gil who was looking at his knees, mumbling to himself."The fuck?"

"We gave you some good shit for free. Wanna know more...Well, you know."

"I hate you so much."

"Yeah, but who really gives a fuck? You paying me or what? I happen to know a lot about it too."

----You were walking along the jogging path in the park with an ice cream cone in your hand and your bat in the other, being dragged behind you.

"Al? What is everyone else talking about?"

"I have no fucking idea."

"Oh. Are you too young to know too?" you questioned.

He moved his hand to the top of your head. "Nah. I just gotta watch you."

She's...alright(2p!F.A.C.E. x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now