Ch.8 The Reason and Farewell Princess

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We see Bbs and Sunset sitting at the edge of the crater.

Sunset:So...what do you guys want to talk about?

Wildcat:We want to know why are you being a bully.

Sunset:Ok. You see my life in Equestria was never good. And i'm guessing Twilight told you and your friends about Equestria,who she really is and that i'm from Equestria?

Vanoss:Yep she told us the basic. Wait a minute what do you mean your life in Equestria was never good?

Sunset:I was neglected by my parents.

Terroriser:(surprise)Holy shit!

Sunset:You see my parents never cared for me unless i did something really impressive.

Moo:(annoyed)Oh so they're that knid of parents huh?

Sunset:Well not exactly, they used to love me and we play together like a normal family but then all those moments went away. Anyway as i grow up i discrovered i was naturally talented with magic and it was so impressive that i became Princess Celestia's student long before Twilight was. When my parnets learned about this they were proud of me and i thought things would get better but-

Basically:But they used you to make themselves more better didn't they?

Sunset:(sigh sadly)Unfortunatly yes and to make matters worse the other noble kids are jealous of me being Princess Celestia's student so they never wanted anything to do with me. I have no friends and my parents never truly cared for me.

Wildcat:Jesus christ. Did you tell Princess Celestia about this?

Sunset:No. I dont want her to get in my problem. Anyway my parents and their stuck-up attitudes wore off on me and i stuck to become stuck-up myself that i felt i didn't need friends at all but i still felt something was missing and that was friends. Then one day during my lessons with Princess Celestia i looked into the Crystal Mirror that also acts as a potal here to the Human world and in it i saw myself as an alicorn.

Terroriser:What's an alicorn?

Sunset:There are four different types of ponies in Equestria. Earth ponies which have a special connection to nature,animals and plants. Pegasus ponies which are ponies with wings that grant them the ability to fly,walk on clouds and control the weather. Unicorn ponies which are ponies that grants them magical abilities and lastly Alicorn which are earth pony,pegasus and unicorn rooled into one. Princess Celestia herself isan alicorn and they are pretty rare in Equestria they are so rare that when a pony does become an alicorn Princess Celestia offers them to become a  member of the royal family.

Wildcat:That is a fucking great offer to have!

Delirious:Yeah it's like one in the life time man!

Sunset:It the time. After i saw myself in the Crystal Mirror as an alicorn i was excited because i thought i would be an alicorn soon and become the royal family which would make my parenst proud and they would finally recognize me. So i told my parents about what i saw in the Crystal Mirror they were excited but now that i look back on it my parents probably wanted to become an alicorn so that once i become they would be a part of the royal family and they could get whatever they want but i didn't know it at the time. So i confronted Princess Celestia and asked her to turn me into an alicorn.

Vanoss:It did not what you were expecting right?

Sunset:It didn't. Princess Celestia refused to turn me into an alicorn so i told my parents and they started to pressure me into becoming an alicorn so i kept asking and asking Princess Celestia into becoming an alicorn yet she kept refusing. Then one day i heard a voice.

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