Ch.15 Welcome to the show and New members.

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The Rainbooms, and Sunset were...well not so great for them. When they were at the amphitheater preparing for the finals they were tricked by Trixie and got them fell through a trap door below them and they were stranded underneath the amphitheater storage room where the Dazzlins were about to sing to the entire crowd of students which will gain their power back.

Although the sirens situation was their first thing in mind there was another one and that is Rainbow. Rainbow was quiet ever since Terroriser's outburst earlier and it's quite the hit to Rainbow and they know how close Rainbow and Terroriser are.

It was nighttime and Trixe and her band were performing up on stage as the Rainbooms were at the storage room as Rainbow trying to open the door but it was not working.

Applejack:(irritated)Give it up Rainbow Dash. You've been trying at this for hours. It's not going to open.

Twilight:(sad)Maybe it doesn't matter that we're trapped down here. I don't think the counter-spell would have worked anyway.

Applejack:(went up to Twilight)Of course it would have work Twilight.(glare at Rainbow)Assuming a certain band member didn't try to hog the spotlight the whole time we were trying to play it!

Rainbow:Hey! If you wanna tell Twilight she's getting a little too caught up trying to be the new leader of this band you don't have to be all cryptic about it.

Rarity:Oh now you talk. And also Applejack was talking about you Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow:Me!? I'm just trying to make sure my band rock as hard as it needs to!

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy:OUR BAND!!!

Twilight:But why wasn't it working? I should know what to do. How could i not know what to do? How could i have failed like this?

Sunset grow more and more worried as no one had notice what Twilight has going through as they starts to argue.

Applejack:It might've been your idea to start a band but it's not just your band Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow:I'm the one who writes all the songs!

Fluttershy:I write songs! You just never let us play any of them!

Rarity:I had the most perfect outfit for us to wear!

Applejack:Again with the costumes! No one cares what we're wearing!

Rarity:I care Applejack! So sorry if I enjoy trying to make a creative contribution to the band!

Pinkie:Hey! Anybody here remember fun? I'll give you a hint:It's the exact opposite of being in the Rainbooms!

Rainbow:(furious)I wish I never asked any of you to be in my band!

Rarity:(furious)I wish I'd never agreed to be in it!

Fluttershy and Applejack:(furious)Me neither!

Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rarity arguing got worse and worse which made Sunset even more worried. Sunset then see a green mist leaving the five Rainbooms members and the mist going above.

>Above the stage<

Trixie and her band finish playing their song which ends with fireworks going off causing the audienceto cheer while the Dazzlings were backstage wearing new outfits.

Trixie and her band finish playing their song which ends with fireworks going off causing the audienceto cheer while the Dazzlings were backstage wearing new outfits

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