Ch.10 Rise of the Rainbooms

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It's been two weeks since they're hang out as we see Vanoss and Flash walking down the hall.

Vanoss:And that's pretty much it.

Flash:Wow you guys have fun huh?

Vanoss:Yep. Especially the arcaed one.

Flash:Oh yeah. How in the world did it explode?

Vanoss:(shug)Beats me.

Flash:Man i still cant believe that magic is real.

Vanoss:No shit.

Flash:Yeah. I hope our friend from out of town visit here.

Vanoss:Sorry Flash but the portal is closed and wont reopen for another 30 moons aka 2 and a half years.

Flash:I...guess your right.(sigh sadly)

Vanoss:Hey dont worry bud. Maybe the portal will open very early and Twilight might visit us.

Flash:You think so?

Vanoss:(nods)Mhm. And hey if we see Twilight and the boys will help you with your wedding.

Flash:(blush hard)Dude!

Vanoss:(laugh)I'm sorry! I had to do it. But seriously tho we'll help you with Twilight.

Flash:Thanks man. 

Vanoss:No problem. Anyway i better go to the cafetria. Rainbow has meeting for us.

Flash:Sure. Oh before you go i want to ask you something.

Vanoss:What is it?

Flash:Well i've been hearing some rumors about theres 8 more for you guys. Is that true?

Vanoss:Yep. It's true and they're going to move here soon.

Flash:Huh? Guess that makes 15 members of the squad.

Vanoss:Actually 16. I let join Twilight.

Flash:(shock)Really!? Wow didn't expect that.

Vanoss:Yep. Well i better get going see ya Flash.

Flash:See ya Vanoss.

Vanoss and Flash high-five each other as the former left to the cafetria.

>At the cafetria.<

We see Bbs and (Hu)Mane 5 sitting at the table as Rainbow discuss about forming a band.

Vanoss:Forming a band?

Rainbow:Yeah! We should totally form a band! The musical show case is coming up and you boys are going to join right?

Vanoss:Eh sorry but we cant.

Moo:Yeah i much want the whole squad to be there but half of us is back home.

Rarity:Really? But you sing when Twilight is around.

Terroriser:That's different. We help her to get the students to vote her as this one was about getting the whole school's bands for the musical showcase and since we dont have the whole squad we dont want to join without them.

Fluttershy:That's pretty understandable.

Basically:It is. So what kind of instrument do you girls play? You cant form a band if no ones have instrument to play.

Rainbow:I can play the electric guitar.

Pinkie:I can play the drums

Applejack:i can play the bass.

Rarity:I can play the piano.

Fluttershy:I can play the tambourine.

Delirious:Well that settle the instrument and now for the name. And i got a perfect name for it!

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