In the Skeld

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Pink POV

Urgh... where the hell am I? My head hurts so bad.... I rubbed my head with my sweaty palms, head pounding in a terrible ache. My brown hair was flowing freely so I tied it up quickly in a messy bun with my favourite seashell hair tie. I had a small pouch with my rose pink colour that had a tablet-shaped thing, some water and some snacks. I looked around and saw different people. That's when I realised we all had a helmet and an oxygen tank. I froze in confusion and panic. Who are they? There was cyan, blue, white, black, yellow, coral, purple and brown. They were the same colour as the characters from my friends. They even had the same pets and accessories, except some had waist pouches, and some had cute little sling ones like mines. "Where are we?" I muttered, just loud enough to echo. "I'm Ashley, who are you guys?" I said, voice clear and loud. "Im Luke" "I'm Holly" "Im..." Looks like Luke, Holly, Jordan, Brigitta, Annie, Jane, Emily, Amelia and Alex are all here. Interesting. I guess the boys got waist pouches. Oh great, now brown (Jordan) is trolling by putting the fake poop hat on again. We all picked our accessories and sat down on the blue chairs and chatted a bit. "I guess we're in among us?" Holly said hesitantly. "I guess" Luke answered.

??? POV

heh.... now I got all of them, even pink. My plan should continue very smoothly. Let me speak to them first, to reassure them and fake to be sympathiser.... heh..... "Hello everyone. This is the drop ship. Wait and rest a bit here while the ship is travelling to the Skeld. There was a glitch in the system, so we do not know why you are in here. So this is among us. There will be two impostors and 7 crewmates. YOU KNOW THE RULES AND SO DO I. (Lol, guess what song this is)You will play some rounds and you will all regenerate, so have fun. The drop ship is descending now." 

Pink POV

Deep breath this is it. We're actually doing our dream, when we should be happy, we're terrified. Who knows what will happen? Well, I guess we will find out! I stepped out of the drop ship....

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