Not another one!

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Pink POV

I was just doing my Medbay scan when the lights went out. That's when I heard the vent open. Oh crap! How the hell am I going to survive? I hid under one of the medical beds, turned off my headlamp and stuffed my tablet inside my pouch. Then, I heard the vent close. I quickly turned my headlamp on but kept my tablet inside my bag. I could see a little bit of what's going on. That's when I heard a bloodcurdling scream in front of me. I quickly ran towards the sound and saw Brigitta being shot by a gun. I saw them running away and I chased after them right into electrical. That's when I saw them clearly. "Wh-what.... I-it can't b-be..." I whispered, not believing that they were the impostor. They met my pained gaze, in a whisper they added, "Sorry." Just as I had passed them. I closed my eyes and prepared for the pain that will stab me through my bones. Nothing came. I didn't believe it. I had to go tell them. I quickly reported the body and rushed to cafeteria.

"Who... where.... any sus.... who did...." The murmurings started again."it's.... It's Luke... He killed Brigitta..." I stuttered, not believing it. Luke looked guilty and muttered, "Yeah it's me... Sorry Ashley I killed Lia too..." "W-what...? Y-you monster!" I shouted, tears springing from my eyes. I immediately clicked on my tablet and voted for Luke. "I'm sorry..." Luke murmured. Holly hugged her boyfriend tightly and let go. She whispered a goodbye and broke his oxygen tank. We threw him out in space. And he survived. Now that our leaders are gone, I have to take lead as the co-leader. "His body is out there but the people who died spirits' will still be here in the cafeteria. Impostor ghosts can sabotage but can't kill, while crewmate ghosts can do tasks, but not fix sabotages, say anything in a meeting, vote anyone, or report or call a meeting." They all looked worried. The impostors were hunting us down. At least only Luke is doing the action for now.


sorry if this is short! I'm really busy rn, hope you understand!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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