The Beginning Of Terror

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Pink POV

sigh well looks like the tablets are for voting and for showing our tasks! I stick with Amelia, who is my best friend, girlfriend and white. We decided that our pets were slowing us down so we all put our pets in the drop ship daycare space. Let's see.... swiping the admin card. URGH! I hate that stupid task. It takes so long! But the odds are in my favour this time (District3Tribute lol you'll know where this quote came from)and I did it in one swipe! It must be my luckiest and unluckiest day. Amelia took a while longer so I went to storage to do wires. Suddenly, the lights went out. I heard Amelia calling to me that she is fine and told me to go fix the lights and that she'll wait for me in admin. I went to electrical and saw Luke (cyan) and Holly (Blue). No wonder they're together, I mean, they're a couple. I greeted them while they were doing upload and fixing the electrical stabilisers. Wait, was that a vent closing? Meh, whatever. I quickly flicked the lights back on when I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from admin. Oh heck no! Not Lia (nickname for Amelia)! I thought as I rushed to admin, and to my horror, I see Amelia's body, her eyes unfocused. I quickly grab my tablet and press the report dead body button.

Coral POV

Urgh! Not the stupid card swipe! How did Ashley do it so quickly? I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Suddenly, the lights turned off and the only light was from our headlamp and our tablets. I aim my small dim light to the card swipe. Beep. Beep. Beep. Urgh! All fails again? I did it slow, did it quick, and still no? The system must be stupid. Suddenly, I felt something sharp stab my back, causing me dizziness and pain. "I'm so sorry Amelia." I hear a voice whisper, but I was too unconscious in a state to hear who the impostor was. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but the life had already trickled out of me...

Impostor POV

Oh crud, oh crud, oh crud! Why did I have to kill Amelia? Ashley would be so mad if she found out. They would all hate me too. Welp, I guess what's done is done. I feel so guilty, but the impostor partner will probably kill me if I reveal my role, sigh. I better go to the meeting that Ashley called.

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