Chapter 5

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I'm curious as to who you guys think Drift has the most chemistry with so far. It doesn't have to be romantically, I just wanna see what you all think. Also I know he hasn't had much time to interact with Ina and Ame, I'm getting there, but if I rush it it'll mess up my plans for the plot. Regardless, please enjoy chapter 5.


Drift slams his hand onto the alarm clock cutting it off immediately. He sits up and tosses the blanket off as he stretches. He swings his feet over the edge of his bed and stands up before promptly tripping over something. He faceplants into the floor with the force of a chopped down tree making a loud thud. He turns himself over onto his back and stares at the ceiling.

Drift: Oh today's going to be fantastic.

Suddenly a sound similar to a purr cuts through the air. Drift lifts his head up a little and sees what tripped him, an absolutely gargantuan pink spider like creature the size of a bowling ball. This creature is called a arachnight, a spider with thick plates covering it's top side, and a mouth of sharp teeth and molars making the spider an omnivore. This particular one is a spider Drift's seen before.

Drift: Sarah? How'd you get in this universe?

He sits up and gently pets the small crown on her head. She gently hisses in response before walking to his bag and crawling in before crawling out.

Drift: Yeah I suppose if I can fit seven watermelons in my slipbag then you could definitely fit. I'm surprised you didn't come out earlier when I had to sew the spacial threads into the new bag. Hungry?

The creatures bright sky blue eyes lock on him as she gives a loud click in response. Drift lowers a hand and lets her crawl onto him and up on his shoulder. He then walks downstairs and cuts an orange in half along with leaving three pieces of beef jerky on the counter for her. She quickly jumps off of his shoulder and begins to eat the fruit and meat by using her front legs to lift the food to her mouth where her jaw extends taking bites of it. Drift meanwhile just grabs the other half of the orange and a banana for his breakfast. He eats them rather quickly and tosses away the peel before heading back upstairs and turning on his computer. He gets Minecraft open and checks the time, 5:30 am. He sighs before realizing he's still in his pajamas. He gets up and goes to his room where he changes into a pair of blue jeans and a white tee shirt. He sits down at his desk setting up his stream and waiting for Gura and Calli to come online. As he's waiting he decides to go ahead and close his loading screen and talk to chat.

Drift: Howdy! How is everyone doing on this day.

Chat rolls along with greetings and responses to his question.

Drift: Most of you seem to be doing good, so that's nice. I've had an... interesting morning to say the least.

Suddenly a crash comes from behind him and he turns to see Sarah sitting on his bookcase in a shelf where he kept his controllers except now one was noticably on the floor with Sarah looking down at it. Drift sighs and rubs his thumb on his temple.

Drift: Be careful, please.

Sarah clicks her plates together in response and scuttles up the wall and then onto the ceiling. Drift turns back to his computer and sees chat asking about the noise.

Drift: It was my pet, she knocked a controller off the...table.

Chat begins asking more questions such as: What's her name? What kind of pet is she?

Drift: Her name is Sarah. She's a rare type of spider. Very big, but very sweet. She's just...

He looks back and sees her slip from the ceiling and land on top of his bookcase before flipping back over and climbing again.

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