Prologue: Heartbreaking Truth

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(Vincent Wilson is a young boy who had a vast knowledge about videogames and science. Everyone considered him a devoted student, and he was so popular that he got the attention of a girl named Diane Epheit. Everything went well until one day he visited her house.)

Vincent: Hello?

(Vincent heard nothing, and then he decided to go to Diane's room, but then he hears some moans.)

Vincent: What's this?

(Then Vincent goes closer to the room, and slowly opens the door and sees her having sex with a boy named Fred Graham.)

Fred: I really can't believe you chose that geek as your boyfriend.

Diane: Oh please, I just became his girlfriend because of his popularity.

Fred: Yeah, he's so blind to realize that nobody will ever love him.

(Hearing this caused Vincent to drop a gift box and leave the house. But the noise got their attention. But it was too late as Vincent already left. Then Diane opens the box and sees a diamond collar.)

Diane: A diamond collar. (sees a note) A note?

(She reads the note which says "I know you cheated on me.", and then a tear falls from her eyes.)

Diane: Damn it... he found out...

(Meanwhile, Vincent has returned to his house, completely heartbroken due to Diane's infidelity.)

Vincent: I can't believe she did this to me...

(Then he found a box in the living room.)

Vincent: A box? Interesting.

(Then he opens the box and sees two drivers, two fullbottles and two Gashats)

(Then he opens the box and sees two drivers, two fullbottles and two Gashats)

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Vincent: What are these things?

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Vincent: What are these things?

(Then he sees a note which says "You have been chosen to become one of the greatest heroes. Prepare to start an experiment and remember to clear games with no continues.")

Vincent: I have been... chosen?

(Next day, Vincent is seen witnessing She-Hulk fighting Titania.)

Vincent: I need to do something.

Announcer: Rider Gashat Insertion!

(Vincent then pulls out a Gashat.)

Vincent: Henshin!

Announcer: Gachan! Level Up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!

(Then Vincent becomes Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.)

Ex-Aid: I'll clear this with No Continues!

(Then Kamen Rider Ex-Aid charges at Titania and kicks her in the gut.)

Ex-Aid: Be prepared, Titania.

(Ex-Aid swings his fist which smashes through the wall as Titania ducks. Ex-Aid kicks her by the jaw and uppercuts her at the open pod. Abomination lurches into the fight and lands a punch which Ex-Aid barely feels. Ex-Aid kicks and punches Abomination out of the chamber. A punch from Ex-Aid goes through the elevator door. Abomination blocks the next one but the power of Ex-Aid's fist sends Abomination tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft.)

Ex-Aid: The laws of victory have been set.

Announcer: Kimewaza! Mighty Critical Finish!

(Ex-Aid delivers a powerful energy smash to both Abomination and Titania as they scream in pain before dying.)

Announcer: Game Clear!

(Then people start cheering for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid as he waves at them and leaves.)

Ex-Aid: (in mind) I guess my life is about to change for better.

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