Chapter 2: Fun with She-Hulk/Meet Kiva (🍋)

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(Vincent is seen in his room with She-Hulk. Both are names as She-Hulk rubs his manhood into her breast while licking it.)

Vincent: (moans) Jennifer...

She-Hulk: Feeling good, right?

(Then she straddles him)

She-Hulk: But this is only the beginning.

(Then she inserts his manhood into her womanhood.)

She-Hulk: Aaaaaah...

(Then she starts bouncing, and wastes no time as she does it fast, earning out of both of them.)

She-Hulk: Oh, Vincent... you're... (moans) so big...

Vincent: J...J...Jennifer...

She-Hulk: That's right, Vincent. Say my name while we make love.

(She bounces faster and faster until both cam and she layed next to him.)

She-Hulk: Oh, Vincent. I'm so happy we're together.

Vincent: Me too, Jennifer.

(In next day, Vincent is seen giving some medicine to his patients.)

Vincent: Don't worry, you're gonna be fine in a few days.

(Then two figures approach Vincent)

Vincent: Can I help you both?

????: Are you Vincent Wilson?

Vincent: Yeah, that's me.

????: Call me Daigo Kurenai, and this is my fiancée Yamaguchi Kasumi.

Vincent: Nice to meet you.

Daigo: Nice to meet you too.

(Suddenly Vincent's communicator beeps.)

Vincent: Excuse me. (comm) Hi.

Skylar: (comm) Sorry, but we need your help.

Vincent: (comm) When?

Skylar: (comm)

Daigo: Another crisis, huh?

Vincent: How do you know.

(Then the three kivats appear.)

Daigo: Have you heard of fangires?

Vincent: Wait, you're fangires?

Daigo: Yep. To be more specific, half-fanfires. We will explain when we get where the crisis is happening.

(Some minutes later, Vincent and the duo come in Russia, where they see Red She-Hulk dealing with Sabretooth, Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike.)

Vincent: I will change Elizabeth's fate.

(Then he draws the Build Gashat and inserts it on his Gamer Driver.)

Daigo: Kivat.

Daigo: Kivat

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