CHAPTER 31 | a picture tells a thousand words

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Erie, Pennsylvania

Matheo pulled his rental car into the main parking area at Millcreek Mall. His temper flared as he struggled to find a space. He hated shopping malls almost as much as he detested the person he was here to see. The American Alpha had insisted on the meeting rather than discussing his issue over the phone.

Beating an old, decrepit lady for the last handicapped spot, he looked for the Outback Steak House Restaurant on the far side of the complex. He couldn't understand why Elise was adamant they needed this meeting. As far as he was concerned, they no longer had any use for the American Alpha.

He spotted the American Alpha as soon as he entered the dimly lit eating establishment. A waitress approached but he ignored her. He strode over to the secluded booth and took a seat opposite the man.

The American Alpha scowled and glanced around the room. "You're late."

Matheo pierced the other man with an angry glare. "And you are getting on my nerves."

The American Alpha leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Things are getting out of control. You need to tell Elise—"

He let out a low growl. This conversation was a waste of his time. "I have a message for you." He pulled his phone out and slid the device across the table. "This is what will happen to every member of your pack if we hear even the slightest whispers that you have looked in the wrong direction."

The American Alpha picked up the phone and paled. His bloodied and disembodied beta stared back at him. The Alpha glanced around the restaurant, and made sure no one else had seen the image. He swiped the screen to remove the image, and without looking at the screen, dropped the phone on the table.

The American Alpha took a shaky breath. "Tell Elise I have done no such thing. She was the one who kept me in the dark about her real plans for Wildfire. I have sunk millions into its development, and I have as much right as anyone to know what's going on. The Alliance has already stopped the online sales. It's only a matter of time before they trace it back to me." The alpha leaned back, a level of confidence replacing his previous apprehension. "Besides, you should worry more about your own leaks."

He blinked and turned away from the waitress in her shorter than short uniform. "What do you mean?"

"The Alliance is already aware of what you are doing. An alert has gone out to all the packs to take care with the food half-breeds consume."

His jaw clenched. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me." The American Alpha sneered. "They know what you are up to." He pushed the phone across the table. "You have bigger problems than trying to threaten me."

About to let go of the phone, the American Alpha glanced at the image on the screen and froze. He looked up at Matheo, back at the picture on the screen, and laughed. His posture relaxed and he taunted. "Actually, I would be more worried about your own life rather than threatening mine."

His pulse started to race as he brought his fist down on the table. "What the cazzo are you talking about, old man?" No one laughed at him and lived to tell the tale.

"Your little girlfriend there." The alpha pointed at the photo. "You have the audacity to accuse me of liaising with the Alliance, and you are in bed with Morgan Bergman's Human pet." His voice sneered in disgust. "That is Parker Johnson. There's not a computer system she hasn't broken into. You, my friend, are... how do the Humans phrase it?" He closed his eyes searching for the words. "Oh yes. That's right. You are right royally fucked."

The alpha stood, a grin on his face. "Oh, Matheo. I'm not sure who I would be more scared of, if I were you. The Alliance's pit-bull of a commander, or your understanding, gentle alpha?" The alpha threw money on the table and strolled out of the restaurant, still snickering.

He sat in the booth staring at the photo of the blue-eyed woman with chestnut brown hair. Matheo looked closer at her ruby lips, curved up in a half smile, and a burning rage bubbled to the surface. He rose and stiffly walked the length of the restaurant, his wolf fighting for dominance.

She. That Human had taken him for a fool.

He dropped his phone into the bin nearest the door. A cold rage flowed through his veins, and the desire to inflict damage was uppermost in his mind. He searched for the nearest area where his wolf could emerge.

I'mgoing to make that bitch pay    

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