CHAPTER 24 | Pandora's Box

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Middlemarch Estate

Elijah leaned against the stone wall and watched the American Alpha pacing the length of the patio. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. It's no use checking your watch. That's not going to make her appear any faster.

The American Alpha had appeared unannounced and demanded to meet with Elise. They had led him to an outdoor area and posted five armed guards. Now he could wait. Alpha Lauzon would take her time just to show him who had the upper hand.

He returned to playing with his knife, while still keeping vigil over the alpha.

When he detected footsteps approaching, Elijah jumped up and thrust his knife into its scabbard in the back of his waistband.

The American Alpha flinched. He clearly feared Alpha Elise, and rightly so.

Elise's tone was clipped and hard as she strode through the French doors opening to the patio. "Someone better be dying in some new and exquisite way, or every half-breed has suddenly dropped dead, and you just had to rush to tell me about it. Well, which one is it?"

The American Alpha marched over to her. "What are you playing at? Not only have the sales of Wildfire gone down the toilet, but I've been informed that you're no longer manufacturing it in pill format. What the hell does that mean?"

Elijah reached for his knife, and three enforcers stepped between the intruder and their alpha, halting his path and creating a barrier. They were ready to strike if need be.

From her tailored Chanel suit and matching pumps, to the minimalistic jewelry that adorned her neck and the Cartier tank watch on her wrist, Elise could have easily passed as an old money socialite or perhaps even European royalty. The outward appearance she presented to the world belied the true nature of the creature within.

Elise smiled, a smile that did not reach her eyes, and looked down her haughty nose at the American Alpha. "I have no idea what you are referring to."

She took a step closer to the American Alpha and pierced him with an unwavering stare. Her dark brown eyes bore into the other alpha's, and he took a half step back. His gaze darted to the nearest escape route. "You know damn well what I am talking about. I have left you messages for the last four weeks, and you haven't returned one of my calls."

Elijah held back a smirk. Alpha Lauzon matched the American Alpha in height, but had a larger set of balls, he'd wager. Maybe if they were lucky she'd get pissed off enough with the alpha to rip him apart while the rest of them watched.

Elise motioned for Elijah and the enforcers to stand down, moved across the patio, and gracefully sat on the nearest chair. She crossed her ankles, her back straight, and rested her hands on the high armrests. Her dark hair, set in a perfect chignon, was in direct contrast to the white Jacquard fabric of the chair. "Just for argument's sake, let's say I didn't receive them. Why, exactly, have you disturbed my solitude?"

The American Alpha took a step closer to Elise, but before he could complete the move, Elijah let out a menacing growl and stopped him in his tracks. He frowned at Elijah but remained where he was. "You promised me that Wildfire would have taken off by now. The demand has vanished, and my people are telling me that each time they try and re-list it, within moments it has disappeared. And now I hear the supply is no longer available—I want to know what you are going to do about it."

Elise inspected her nails. "You seem to be under the misconception that I answer to you." All pretense of civility was dropped. "I'm sure that this is a momentary lapse in judgment."

The whites of the American Alpha's eyes were like beacons as he realized his error and panic set in. Elijah played with his blade, hoping the American would step out of line so he could have some fun.

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