CHAPTER 40 | a rose by any other name

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Parker's feverish mind took its time absorbing Joséphine's words. Surely, she had heard wrong.

Every part of her body was throbbing, and she was finding it hard to think straight.

Hello Mother. Her mind was like a broken record skipping back over the same two words.

Hello, Mother. Her breath caught.

How was this possible?

Elise swung her gaze from Joséphine to Parker, her face full of scorn. "I see you didn't tell your little cell mate who you are, my dear."

Elise circled her as if she were prey.

Her pulse quickened. Do not let her see how scared you are. She squared her shoulders and straightened her back as much as her broken body would allow.

"So, this is the Alliance's little pet." Elise raked her eyes over Parker, and a sardonic laugh escaped her lips. "Can't say I see what the fuss is about."

In two steps, Elise was in front of Parker, her gaze cutting into her like a surgeon's scalpel. "You, my little Human, have disrupted my plans and upset my beta. Poor Matheo, all he can think about is paying you back for making a fool out of him."

Parker locked eyes with Elise, and a jolt ran through her body. Her conscious mind begged for her to look away before she was unable to escape the pure evil reflected in the depths of the psychotic woman's eyes. She forced herself to stay strong and continued to stare at Elise.

Elise raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Oh look, the little Human thinks she's going to be rescued."

Parker did not move. Instead, she fought to bring her emotions under control. Her current state of mind was giving Elise too much ammunition.

The Sandulf Alpha laughed, a cruel and cutting sound that grated on Parker's nerves. "She actually believes that Morgan and his silly Alliance are coming for her."

Elise's laugh halted. She peered closely at Parker, her eyes moving from surprise to suspicion. "Not Morgan..." Her tone was curious and her eyes narrowed. "The Alpha Commander, perhaps?"

Parker winced and Elise smiled.

"How interesting..." Elise murmured as she stared at Parker. "You and Daniel..."

Elise stepped back and digested the information. From the sly gleam in her eye, she was triumphant in this new knowledge. "The great and almighty Alpha Commander has a Human plaything." She sauntered to a nearby table and poured herself a drink.

Her heart raced. She knew Elise was calculating how she could take advantage of the information.

"It's a pity you aren't his mate. I would have so much more fun destroying him by killing you." Elise shrugged. "No matter, a plaything is the next best catch, I suppose."

Matheo, who had been listening in horror, could no longer hold himself back. "But my alpha, you said I could do with her as I wished once you saw h—"

"Silence!" Elise swung around to her beta. "We may need her as leverage... or bait. I haven't yet decided."

Matheo cast his eyes downward and took a step backward. "Yes, my alpha."

A chill ran up and down Parker's spine as Matheo hurled a look of pure hatred in her direction. She had no doubt he would try to find a way to get around Elise's directive.

Elise's attention returned to Joséphine. "And as for you, my dear, have you come to your senses yet?"

Joséphine looked up at her mother. Her eyes shone pure contempt. "I will never join your cause, Mother. When the Elders hear of what you have been up to, you will be made to pay for your crimes."

Elise stared at the disheveled female Werewolf in silence.

Parker tensed, not sure how the standoff would play out.

Elise dusted a nonexistent speck of dust from her sleeve. "You will join me, my dear. Your choice is a simple one. Rule with me, or die." She spun on her heels and waved a hand at the guards. "Take them from my sight."

Matheo hauled Parker offthe ground. She let out a scream at the jolt of pain that ripped through herbody. He pushed her toward the prison building and lowered his head to her ear.His raspy breath sent a ripple of fear through her body. "I am coming for you,Bella."    

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