CHAPTER 43 | rescue

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Simon breathed heavily and scanned the team to make sure they were all present and accounted for.

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "You puffed already? We've only just started."

"Shut up, New Kids On The Block. I had to save you from that Cyclops. You should be thanking me."

Kyle's grin faded. "What was with that? He should have worn an eye patch at least."

When Daniel moved into place, Simon snapped his mouth shut, and winked at Kyle. He was going to have so much fun reminding his friend of his reaction to the one-eyed Werewolf.

They had assembled in the grove between the main house and the buildings at the back of the property. Their focus now was breaching the three prison buildings. Matheo had been secured to one of the trees—his mouth gagged and arms tied behind his back to prevent him from changing.

Simon ducked down and briefly closed his eyes as his mind wandered to his mate. If he was killed, Lyssa would bring him back to life, just to kill him again for dying on her. Better not die then.

When the others moved out, he followed behind. They managed to get across the clearing to the first building before being spotted. One by one, Elise's guards were eliminated, but other guards, sensing something was wrong, poured out of the prison block and searched for their downed comrades.

His blood was pumping when Daniel let out a battle cry. As one, they charged the armed guards.

They had the element of surprise, but the guards fired their weapons before they reached them.

A sharp pain ripped through Simon's leg, and he winced. That fucker just shot me.

Another flurry of bullets rang out, and Kyle fell backward, hitting the ground with a resounding thump. Simon threw himself down to check on his friend. "You okay? Where did it get you?"

Kyle grunted and shifted into a crouching position. Blood seeped through his shirt. "Shoulder and leg, nothing that Dr. Alice can't fix."

The door swung open and a small horde of guards poured out. His stomach plummeted as he did a quick headcount. "Fucknuckles!"

Daniel picked up a weapon from a fallen guard and shouted out. "Fall back to the far side of the building." He fired at the guards, who quickly took cover, and returned a volley of their own.

Bullets whizzed through the air, and Simon raced to regroup with the others.

Daniel rounded the corner and threw a semi-automatic rifle at Murphy. Murphy raced to the far side of the building to protect their flank.

Simon did a head count and his stomach dropped. "Where's Grant and Carlos?"

"They went down with the first wave of bullets," Morgan said. "The verdammt Were's are perfect shots. Straight through the forehead."

Simon broke out in a cold sweat. They were sitting ducks. "What now?"

He winced as another round flew over their heads. Murphy and Daniel took turns at keeping the small army away from them while they stayed low to the ground.

Morgan crept closer to Daniel and peered around the corner. "At least we know where the rest of the guards are."

Daniel took another shot and swore when his missed. "We need to get those guns off them. We don't have a chance otherwise."

Simon stiffened. For Daniel to admit that, meant they were in trouble. Big trouble. He glanced at the others. From the look on their faces they were equally worried.

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