CHAPTER 41 | where is the cavalry?

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Middlemarch Estate

Parker couldn't get Matheo's words out of her head. "I am coming for you, Bella." Her doomsday clock had just moved closer to midnight.

The guards hadn't been gone two minutes when Matheo entered their dungeon with a vicious sneer on his face. He ignored Joséphine and stalked over to Parker. She edged backward until her back hit the cold wall.

Hate spewed from his eyes like daggers. "Don't think I have forgotten that you owe me, Bella. I want to see what's so special about you that an alpha would lower himself." His body pressed against hers. His hand dropped from her shoulder, reached into her shirt, and squeezed her tender breast. Matheo's tongue hung over his lower lip. "If I can't kill you, I am going to make sure you wish you were dead."

He was so close, his musty breath fanned her face. She flinched and cried out as his hands roamed over her bruised body. She attempted to push him away, but she did not have the strength in her weakened state. She closed her eyes tight. Her already cracked ribs felt as though they were about to break under the added pressure.

"Get away from her, you bastard," Joséphine said. "Or I will tell Elise you tried to rape me."

Matheo stiffened and halted his advances. He swung around to face Joséphine. "You wouldn't dare, you chienne."

Joséphine smiled. "Wouldn't I, now? Let's see how long you last when she thinks you touched her precious daughter."

Matheo let out a stream of curses and turned back to Parker with a calculating look. "I will be back tomorrow, Bella. And next time, that puta will not stop me. I have plans for us."

With a savage snarl, Matheo threw a brutal punch into her midriff. She doubled over, her vision white with the pain. Her chest burned from the lack of oxygen as she struggled to breathe. His cruel laugh was the only thing she heard over her gasp for air as the door slammed shut.

"Parker, are you okay?"

She began to cough uncontrollably, and the pain that racked her body made her dizzy and lightheaded. When she calmed down enough to uncurl, her hand, the one she had coughed into, was covered in blood. She met Joséphine's concerned gaze.

Joséphine bent down and helped her up. "You can't carry on like this."

"I know, that's why we need to get out of here." Before it's too late.

The sound of footsteps alerted the prisoners that their evening meal was about to be delivered.

Parker brought a finger to her lips. "When I make a move, keep them distracted."

"What are you going to do?"

"If you want out of here, just follow my lead."

Joséphine nodded.

Like every other meal time, three guards entered. One stayed by the door, and another between the door and Joséphine. The third delivered the tray of food. As he bent down and placed it on the ground, she made her move.

Praying her plan would work, she hurled herself onto the guard's back and screamed as loud as she could. Quickly catching on, Joséphine yelled and hurled abuse at her captors.

The guard she had jumped bellowed. He pulled her off his back and flung her half way across the room. Her body slammed into the hard floor, and the wind was knocked out of her. Curling into a fetal position, she wailed in pain.

The guards released Josephine from her chains and left the cell. She hurried to Parker, all the while mumbling about the stupidity of Humans. "If your plan included a death wish, I think you are one step closer."

Parker rolled over and a low moan escaped her lips, and she hugged her middle. Once the pain had subsided to tolerable levels, she sat up and a triumphant grimace crossed her face.

Joséphine bent down and checked her for broken bones. "I have no idea why you are looking so pleased with yourself." She froze when she saw a cell phone in Parker's hand.

Parker glanced up. "What? Did you seriously think I was trying to kill myself? We need someone to break us out of here. Not to mention the fact Elise is here. They can finally get her."

A wave of nausea hit her, and her vision dimmed. She swayed and nearly dropped the phone. She shook her head to clear the fog that was closing in.

Her breathing became shallow, and Joséphine reached out to steady her. "Parker. Parker, stay with me."

She blinked and looked around. Not sure how long she could hold on, she set her lips into a grim line and focused on the phone. It was a gamble, but she had no other option. Daniel was her last hope. After giving him Elise's location, he would have no choice but to get here in record time, regardless of how angry he was at her. The only question was...could she last that long?

"But you don't know where we are," Joséphine said. "How can you give directions?"

"I don't need to."

Joséphine watched in silence as she worked. When she was finished, she crawled to the door and pushed the phone underneath the opening.

"What are you doing?" Joséphine said.

She edged away from the door. Her world began to swim and her vision doubled. "It's not going to take too long for the guard to work out his phone is missing. He won't think much of it if he finds it on that side of the door."

She swayed, and her vision blurred. Joséphine caught her before she hit the ground.

"Mother's Day must be interesting in your house."

She closed her eyes and gave in to the excruciating physical and emotional pain that had been threatening to overwhelm her since Matheo's assault.    

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