CHAPTER 36 | who's going to tell him?

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Payette, Idaho

The fear that settled over Morgan on learning of Parker's disappearance was the feeling of another child taken from him. It ripped into his chest and threatened to stifle the very air he breathed.

He ended the call and stared at a small beetle crawling up a blade of grass at his feet. He was getting too old. For over half a millennia he had led his pack, each member as precious to him as the next. In the absence of his own flesh and blood, they were his children, and he protected them with everything he had.

His long-dead son sprung to the forefront of his mind, and an age-old pain clutched at his chest. He remembered the moment he was told of the death of his only child. Hundreds of years later, the feeling was still as painful, and the memory remained vivid.

He shook himself and headed back into the house. He needed to determine exactly what had happened in Portland.

It did not take long before he obtained all the information the local police had, as well as more pertinent details from Jay and Zeke. He pieced together everything he needed to know and more that he did not.

Exhausted, he left an equally drained Clara to deal with notifying the pack, and returned to his office. An empty feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Daniel would need to be informed. Picking up the phone, he was almost relieved when the phone went straight to voicemail.

He would talk to the Alpha Commander later.

Morgan flicked through his contact's list to find Jessica's number.

Jessica brought Simon and Alice together, and Morgan broke the news to them. From the silence at the other end of the conference call, they were in as much shock as him.

"Do we know if she is still alive?" Simon said.

"The police found blood not belonging to either of the known victims," he said. "But there wasn't enough to think she was bleeding profusely."

"And they are sure she was there?"

This time Alice asked the question.

His shoulders slumped. "Her mobile, laptop, and handbag were found in the office." They all knew Parker did not go anywhere without her computer.

"Are you sure it was Matheo?" Simon said.

"Yes." He took a deep breath. They wouldn't like what he was about to tell them. "The reception is under video surveillance. Jay got to it before the police did. I will have Zeke send it through to you. It's a little hard to watch."

He heard a sharp intake of breath, followed by an involuntary whimper.

"When are you expecting Daniel to return, Simon?" he said.

"Sometime in the next few hours."

He frowned. "Shouldn't he be back already?"

Simon let out a disagreeable growl. "Fridericks is proving to be more trouble than he's worth, so the trip back by road is taking longer. His phone battery died so we are out of contact." He paused. "Who's going to tell him?"

An uncomfortable silence descended. No one was willing to accept the daunting task.

"You know he needs to be told before it's plastered across all the news channels," he said.

"I'll tell him," Jessica said. She let out a slow breath. "He needs to hear it from me."

Morgan sighed. "I agree. I'd like a word with you. Alone."

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