•○chapter 3○•

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Finally, class was over, and now I’ve got two hours of English, you and Tyler get up in unison, and together you walk out the door, and then down the hall, You had no idea where you were going, but you trusted Tyler by now and you thought it was obvious he was taking you to the girl group, after a few minutes staring at the ground you realize that Tyler has stopped, you look up and notice an inscription on the door of the class "Music Club?" I asked raising an eyebrow, the brown haired boy turned around "Yup, trust me" he said winking at me and then opening the door and entering, he smiled at me and mimed with his finger to keep silent and lower our voices so as not to disturb.
I followed him inside trying to be as silent as possible, I was immediately hit by a highly familiar song 'Nobody like U' of the amazing 4☆town, at that point my eyes lit up with joy and looking up at the classroom I saw Mei, Priya, Abby and Miriam dancing almost perfectly synchronized to the rhythm of the song, Tyler turned back to me with eyes full of joy and left me there, slowly approaching the girls.


I couldn’t resist the rhythm of the song and although I had other plans to show y/n our hobby, after as little as 30 seconds I catapulted towards the girls and appeared behind Mei starting to  sing and dance to the rhythm of the song "Let’s call it what it is, it’s a masterpiece
Got a whole lotta love for them city streets" I said and the girls turned to y/n and then yelled in unison "Glendale!" and I resumed singing "Tonight is the place to be
Got a big boombox and a new CD" I passed the microphone I had used to make my piece to Priya who gave me the high five and then continued "Come on, everybody, let’s tear it up
If you want mad skills, you can share with us
I want everybody to stop and stare
And you know why, it’s me" took the microphone really close to her lips and then covered it with her hands and said "Robaire!".
Continuing to sing and dance for a while and now y/n was still motionless for several minutes, I don’t think she had even blinked during the performance and it started to worry me, Mei was going to take the microphone to sing her duet with Miriam but I immidiately stopped her and then approached y/n "Hey you all right? You seem a little shaken up, don’t you like this song? Don’t you like 4☆town? Are we boring you or do we seem pathetic?" I said practically kneeling on the floor to be close to her.


I didn’t know what to say, there were few things that in my years of existence had really shocked me and this was one of those and although in all the other schools I never wanted to admit it I am a huge fan of 4☆town, I was also at the Toledo concert in 2002 and my room is full of posters and merchandising, including the statue with the band’s slogan with the original colors and the gold star taken from the special edition that immediately sold out of 'Tween Beat' of 2001, I still don’t know how I managed to get my hands on that magazine but I'm simply happy to have it.
In all this I was still there, still and with my hands in my pockets, I turned to Tyler who had an increasingly worried expression and smiled, at this point Tyler got up, raised an eyebrow and said "y/n are you sure you’re f-" but he was immediately interrupted by my supersonic screams, I think the whole Toronto could hear it beacuse of the girls instinctive gesture to cover their ears.
"Damn damn damn! You guys were great, you were so coordinated and you didn’t miss a note" the girls, once they had removed their hands from their ears, laughed and I approached Tyler putting my hands on his shoulders "And you, you, you...how could you keep your passion for 4☆town away from me and you set this up just to surprise me!? Even though you joined the song when it had already started you blended perfectly with the girls' dance steps and your voice was simply sublime and-"I realized that the boy had now become a walking pepper and after a few seconds of silence I realized what I had just said and how I said it.
I took my hands off his shoulders and took two steps back to cover the embarrassment of the situation with a fake cough "you were all fantastic" I said trying to make a serious tone to distract the attention from what I had just said, this anyway was quite useless because the girls didn't waste a second to pose to form a heart and start doing a "uuuuuh" in unison.
Honestly, I was too caught up in the situation and I couldn’t see Tyler’s face, but if mine had gone hot red by now, then his cheeks would surely have created a new color of the red scale so much so that he tried to cover it with his arms failing miserably, at this reaction Mei blurted out "Awww but look at you are so..." she immidiately exploded in a new pink smoke, we all started to cough and Abby started jumping up and down "Oh yesyesyesyes!" I saw her disappear in the middle of the cloud while Miriam opened the window of the classroom to let in some clean air and drive away the colored cloud, within seconds the smoke began to fade and in the middle of the room appeared a giant red panda with Abby clinging to the belly of it and Priya attached to the tail.

THERE’S A GIANT RED PANDA IN THE ROOM, THERE’S A GIANT RED PANDA IN THIS ROOM, I really wanted to pass out but I was too shocked by the heat of the moment so the only thing that got out of my mouth was "I DON’T BELIEVE IT-" I immediately found a giant paw in front of my mouth that was desperately trying to stop me from screaming and actually it only worked but the paw was so big that it blocked my nostrils and therefore prevented me from breathing, finally the creature decided to leave the grip with the promise of not to scream.
Miriam brought me a chair to sit on while Tyler tried to wave me with some random musical score found in the classroom, Mei had changed back but was so anxious about the situation and what might have been my reaction that she couldn’t make the ears and tail disappear so Priya was still stroking her tail.
"Listen y/n I can explain but" she stopped and looked at Priya who still had her hands immersed in the fur, receiving the message she immediately detached and putted her hands behind her back "You really don’t have to worry, I’m not dangerous and I don’t eat people, we can say it’s a curious family gene that I took from my mother" I finally calmed down and leaning my hands on my thighs I said "Of course! You are the red panda that I saw on the 2002 news, wow many have assumed that it was just a montage made by some computer experts but then the next attack in Toronto during the 4☆town concert confirmed that it was not just a montage, by the way I thought you liked that band, why did you decide to ruin the concert?" The response was so sudden that she didn't know how or what to say to reply to these last comments "W-well.. uhm it was just an accident and we repaid up till the last penny the owner of the facility so there is nothing to worry about, as to your comment on the band I love 4☆town, especially Robaire so don’t you dare say anything like that ever again" she said with a false threatening tone while pointing her finger at me, this scene did nothing but provoke another general laugh that was soon interrupted by Miriam who approaching me and putting her arm around my neck "Sorry to interrupt this moving moment but the bell has already rang and we are all really late so I appreciate your interest in the red panda but we’ll have to postpone this conversation until later" saying this she took her backpack and taking me under her arm she dragged me out of the classroom at full speed without even giving me time to greet the others or Tyler who in the meantime had already raised his hand as to try to say something but without having the opportunity to say anything.

Hello again, this chapter just like the other one was really fun to write but because of the school and the 8 hours I had to sit on the books before I could finally relax, my brain has melted down and this may have affected the quality of the story and for this I sincerely apologize.
Having said that for other problems regarding calligraphy and the quality of my writing skills in general, I can justify saying that I am not a native English speaker and so let’s say that I can take this as an excuse for future complaints.
For the rest, thank you for reading this chapter and I will try to update the story as soon as I have time since I am swamped with homework, study and tests.
Bugs out.

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