•○chapter 7○•

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We saw the door open and a male figure appeared before us, he was a well-placed man, he had a large nose and dark eyes hidden by large and  completely foggy glasses, he wore a blue apron and still had the mittens in his hands "Ah hello guys, come in" we entered the house, it was a very pretty house with simple decorations and not so strong colors, despite the not exaggerated size the spaces had been designed so well to make them perfectly organized.
I immediately perceived a strong scent coming from the kitchen, I could feel spices, a strong smell of meat and even something sweet, cinnamon maybe? All these smells immediately melted me and I took a long breath and then I threw out the air and relaxed "Yes I know, welcome to heaven" said Abby smiling and then going to greet Mei’s mother who was in the kitchen "If this is heaven then I’m willing to pay the rent to stay here" I said and then paused for a few seconds to watch Tyler, he was looking at me but his expression had gone from angry to sad, I need to talk to him but this is not the time.
I walked into the kitchen and handed the flower bouquet to Mei’s mother "Oh thank you so much honey, but there was no need, our little Mei-Mei told us a lot about you, you know?" she said pointing first at me and then Tyler who had just sat on the sofa in the living room, I turned around and realized who she was pointing at and blushed on the shot, the woman got closer and whispered "Don’t worry, I stopped meddling in young loves a few years ago for your luck" and then resumed her normal voice tone "Anyway I’m Ming Lee and this major macho next to me is the best chef in the neighborhood and my sweet husband Jin Lee (I don’t know why but I feel that if I actually show up she would do so, both for her personality change and both for the fact she wants to prove that she has good qualities)" said giving a kiss on the cheek to her husband that wast trying to clean his glasses from the steam produced by cooking food, the thing made him blush a little "pleasure to meet Mrs, I am y/n l/n" I said and just then I saw Mei arrive with the other girls from Mei's room "Mom please can you avoid doing those things? I don’t want y/n to run away before she sees the amount of food she’ll have to eat" she said, leaning her arm against the wall and then getting a dirty look from her mother (maybe things haven’t changed that much) then I saw Priya pop out of her back "Mmm food..." she said trying to get to steal something from the table where the sweet couple was cooking, but only to receive a slight slap on the hand from Jin "Ah-ah no snacks".
I decided it would be best to leave them to their little chit-chat and I walked over to the living room, Tyler was lost in his thoughts so I decided to surprise him a little, I approached slowly trying to make as little noise as possible and put my arms around his neck and then whispered in his ear "Are you all right?".


I was upset by what had just happened with my parents, I had had many discussions with them over the years but that was particularly strange, I'm sure it hadn't been a good show for Abby and especially for y/n, everything was going well with her, and now that it’s happened, I think I’ve lost all hope of getting closer to her.
Everyone was in the kitchen talking but I just didn’t feel like it, I needed a few minutes to clear my head, so I decided to sit on the couch and just sit there until dinner time, I really wanted to explain the situation to y/n but just when I was going to do so she turned and saw that I was staring, she probably thought I was a weirdo who doesn’t say thank you to parents for everything they do for you or that I’m not a good person anyway.
I was still lost in my thoughts when I felt arms wrapped around me from behind in what seemed like a strange improvised hug, then I heard THAT voice "All right?" I felt a shiver running from my ears to every part of my body, yes there too, and it was a problem.
The only thing I could do was get up and grab the backpack I had brought with me for the evening with some board games and some of the 4☆town things inside, put it in front of the sensitive area and run to the bathroom in the hope that no one would notice, I could feel her sad look on me but what could I do? I was gonna come back and talk to her after I fixed it.
I went out of the bathroom a few minutes later (R.I.P. Lee house bathroom) and the table was already ready with food all laid on, they were all sitting and waiting for my return, maybe I made them worry.
I sat next to Mei’s father, in front of y/n, I wanted to avoid it, especially for the crimes just committed, but it was the only place left and I couldn’t ask to change places, with what excuse then?
The table was covered with food and although there were 8 of us there was enough food to feed 20 people, y/n was already watching me and I didn’t have the courage so I looked towards the direction of Mei who had meanwhile stood up "Oh ancestors we thank you for giving us this food and a cook so capable of making supermarket products so delicious, please give us this moment and feed you too with our joy as we feed on this food, enjoy!" She said, and then she just sat back down and started piling up a pile of food on her plate, and I looked away, I realized that everybody had started filling the plate in front of them, so I did the same.
We began to eat and chat, obviously Mrs Lee began to storm the poor y/n of all kinds of questions, from those who lived to what she wants to do in the future and in fact this question left her a little stunned but recovered immediately answering "I have a real passion for the English language and I would really like to translate books from our language into other existing ones, I would also like to travel and if I didn’t have the terror of airplanes I could also think of a career as a hostess" this answer made me think, I am a monster, I mentally removed the innocence of a girl so sweet, I should tell her, I spent a few minutes thinking about whether to actually take this risk or not until I saw a bowl in front of my eyes "Ravioli?".


I was swallowing a bite of the spicy steak, I had stretched my arm to get something else from the table when I heard a scream "NO!" The sudden noise almost made me spill the food and everyone gram us towards Tyler, Mei’s mother was worried "Everything okay honey? Since you arrived, you’ve been acting weird" I turned to her and I saw that she had a worried expression on her face "Um..."He was sweating, the girls and I shared a look at each other and went back to our food, something was wrong.
After dinner we stopped a few minutes in the kitchen to help the Lee family to clean and wash dishes and cutlery, each had a specific task and once finished me and Miriam took the boy under his arms and then dragged him out of the room, the girls followed us.
We dragged him to Mei’s room and there we sat him in the chair's desk, Miriam lit the lamp and moved the direction of the light towards his face, Priya and I were sitting on the bed, while Mei was interrogating Tyler "Okay, you’ve been acting weird all night, now talk" Miriam came up with a pen from the table and pointed it at Tyler "Talk or we’ll make you talk".
Then the boy got up, grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the room to the bathroom, closed the door behind him and laid his back against the door "I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ruin your evening" I had a worried look but the only thing I thought it was logical to do at that time was to hug him "You didn’t ruin anything, it’s just that you made us worry and I thought that my presence had shaken you a little" Tyler squeezed more and more into the hug "No, I’m still upset about the argument with my parents, I shouldn’t have treated them like this and I could avoid making that scene, I just didn’t want to give you a bad impression of me" I broke away from the embrace and still hilding a hand resting on his shoulder I started to play with his hair "It wasn’t very nice but I’m sure apologizing when you get home should fix everything, then you shouldn’t worry about the impression you give me, I already think you’re irritating" Tyler took my wrist and moved it making me let go of his hair "Haha very funny, I never said that I liked your company" he had a confident look, I could only respond to the fire with more fire "I never said it myself" at which point he moved away his back from the door and began to approach me "So you don’t mind the fact that I’m so close to you" he kept coming closer and my heart started beating really fast "Not even a little" I said approaching him by a few inches, our faces were really close, they were getting closer and closer, I was starting to feel the butterflies in my stomach and Tyler didn’t seem to want to leave, so we looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds and then we closed them and got even closer.

Well hello, I know what you’re thinking "But A/N do you think that this is the right time to close the chapter!?"
Yes, I love you so much and you know it but suspense is the fundamental element of a good story, along with the element of surprise but this will come very soon.
Rather let me know what do you think of these little 'spicy' additions.
Kisses, bugs out.

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