•○chapter 4○•

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Miriam dragged me to the english room and for the rest of the lesson we didn’t speak much although I could sometimes feel her gaze on me.
The lesson passed quickly and once it finished I started to collect my books and hoping to leave with the other students so as to avoid being alone in the room with Miriam, but unfortunately the teacher asked me to arrange for her some paperwork in the cabinet at the end of the class, I took it as a gesture of courtesy and since english is the only subject in which I’m really good at I decided to help her.
I really hoped that someone from above would send some kind of mystical wind that could lift Miriam and get her out of class, but it was a bit too unrealistic, the minutes went by and the girl had no intention of stepping out of the room, in fact, she took advantage to get comfortable in order to better better my work.
At a certain point the teacher also left the classroom to go for a coffee and I also finished the work she had left me but it was too late.
Miriam stood up and hummed 'True Love' took a few steps and approached me "So y/n, you and Tyler seem very close, I don’t know if I explained myself" she said miming with her fingers two people kissing (I don’t even know how but I’m sure you don’t miss the fantasy lol) and at that gesture my cheeks became a light pink color, the girl immediately noticed it and began to gesture with her hands since she could not get a word out of her mouth "Mir really it's not how it looks like, it could have been the heat of the moment..." and she immediately replied "It isn't what it looks like?! Tyler and I have been friends for two years and I have always seen him being grumpy with all those who were not part of our group, indeed sometimes it's even with us and now you arrive and suddenly becomes so sweet and cuddly, I’m sorry but I don't buy it" I wanted to argue back but since I've never met the guy before this morning I had no arguments in my favor.
I took her hand and dragged her to the girls bathroom which for our great fortune was empty, we stopped and Mir decided to get comfortable by leaning her shoulders against the wall and I started "Ok listen I don’t even know how I feel because I only met him this morning, but i think he's really cute" a smirk appeared on her face and she gave me a look from the bottom up "Mhmh, no I’m sorry I’m not convinced because from how you speak it doesn't look like a simple crush but more like a real love" I gave up and looking at the floor I said "Ok maybe there is a minimum of truth in what you say but I want to do things calmly also because I have no idea what he thinks of me so please don’t tell him anything", the expression that she had on her face disappeared and she gave me her hand, I looked at her but didn’t understand what to do I remained still and she moved my hand by instinct and started to shake it from side to side with hers and then make a final punch "Boom!" She said taking her fist away from mine "This is the symbol of our promise and I'll never untie it, buuut" with that 'but' my blood froze "Is there a but?" Miriam went on "You have to admit here and now that you love Tyler "I snorted and a little reluctantly I said "I, y/n l/n, declare I have a big crush on Tyler Nguyen Baker" and then I went to the bathroom door, Miriam turned to see me go and yelled "You also know the full surname, to me it looks like more than a little crush!" but without thinking twice I quickly answered "Sure" and then left for the corridor.
I walked at great speed, I didn’t want to be reached by that girl dressed in green and at the same time I was really worried about the fact that I had just declared my feelings for Tyler and now I would have french class with him.
My head was in the clouds and I end up bumping into something or, better said, someone, I immediately heard an annoyed voice "Hey look where you go freak!" I looked up and saw a rather shaky blonde with two other girls next to her "Hey wait you are the girl who moved into my physics course, pleasure to meet you I'm Alexandra Dubois" struck by her sudden change of voice I answered without thinking "y/n l/n, it's nice to meet you too" her friends had already started to laugh and while I was looking at them I saw Abby in the distance who was about to enter the history room next to french class, I greeted her with one hand but the girls weren't very happy about that thing "Don’t tell me you became friends with that weirdo and her pathetic group, they’re probably the weirdest girls in the whole school, and all they do is run around the halls busting up on rights and duties, deforestation and pollution, I mean calm down you're only in high school" she began to giggle with her friends but I wasn't very happy with the comments she'd just made and I think you could say it just seeing my face, so the blondie dressed in pink top, blue jeans and glitter headband noticed it "Okay listen I want to be honest with you, if you talk to them you'll become an outcast, but since you seem like a smart girl I say that you're well accepted in my group, so what do you think?".
I don’t want to lie, I was laughing internally for the things that the girl had just said but I couldn’t really do it, it would have been too rude, so I decided to answer "Thanks for the invitation but they seem like nice girls, see you around" I said while walking past them and entering the french classroom, the girl let out of her mouth a little "Worse for you".
I walked into the class and saw Tyler leaning with his feet on the chair of the boy sitting in front of him and the backpack resting on the chair next to the bench, I can’t believe, he left a place for me, I approached him and he immediately moved his backpack and put it on the ground.
"Hey n/n, I thought you got lost in the hallways, I was starting to think I should come find you," he said with a smirk "Haha Tyler, I’m sorry but these comments don't touch me in the slightest, you'd rather have a minimum of humanity and remove your feet from the chair of that poor boy".

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