•○chapter 5○•

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The last hour passed very quickly and before I could realize it was already time to leave school, many would have given an arm to be in my situation but apart from that grimace from Alexandra the day had been one of the most beautiful in my life, I already made friends and I kissed a guy, okay it was on the cheek but hey no one picks up on the first day!
I went to the school office to finish recording my last personal information, sign up some files and just as I was finishing collecting the documents to be signed to a/n I recive a message, I open my flip phone and read that the message was from Tyler 'Hey pretty, me and the girls today we’re going to have dinner at Meilin’s and she asked me to send you since I’m the only one who has your number'.
Hell, I forgot, that I memorized his number before I entering geography class.

I answered 'Sure, but I’m new in the area and I would be happy if one of you could come and pick me up, I live at xxxxxxx' I put my flip phone away and start to go to the direction of the school exit, there I saw Priya and Abby and decide to approach them to greet them but it almost seems that Priya had perceived my presence because she turned to greet me "Hello y/n" the sudden greeting almost made me jump "Hey Priya, Abby" the little girl came up and wrapped an arm around my waist "Look at how modest you are, Mir told us everything and sincerely I thought you were more of a shy type" said looking at me with a smirk and I went pale "Who else knows?" I said slowly and Priya answered immediately "Oh not many, me, Abby, Mir, Mei, the girl who always cries in the girls bathroom and we were thinking to go tell Tyler" I breathed a sigh of relief but then I realized what she had just said, she laughed and said "Don’t worry, I’m just kidding y/n" but my expression didn’t change "That’s not what I’m worried about, but the thing you said before that" and then Abby took over "Oh yes Stacy closes herself in the bathroom to cry every day after every hour, she lowers the tablet and sits down to cry but she's so silent that no one ever notices her presence, maybe that’s why she always knows everything about everyone" said taking the mirror to check the glittery make-up she had put on this morning, the news did nothing but worsen my general upheaval "Has she ever gone around telling the things she hears? Of course I have nothing to hide but it’s fair to know" Abby put the mirror back in her dresses pocket and turned to me with a serious expression "Usually no but if someone is desperate enough to pay her to do so then yes and she doesn’t leave out any details, she once got paid 20 bucks from a fourth-year girl to find out if her boyfriend was cheating on her, and then, in just an hour there were sheets hanging all over the hallway with 'Fred is a cheating bastard' writed on, it was a tragic day but I admit that I had never seen two fourth year girls pull their hair like that", this made me breathe a sigh of relief and I and the girls went out into the yard.
I followed them to a big tree and there I found the others, Mir and Mei were lying on the green and Tyler was fixing his hair, at his sight I stumbled on a rock and the girls turned around "Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?" I answered raising a thumb up and I got up removing the dust from my clothes, the two girls lying down turned at me and made a gesture to greet us.
The brow haired boy suddenly turned around and approached me, Abby and Priya noticing his sudden move decided to step aside and got away sitting a few feet away so as to leave us some privacy, we had not yet started to talk but the tension in the air could be cut, we decided to sit on the green lawn but still neither of us was going to open mouth, it was such a beautiful day.
I breathed a sigh of relief and then stretched, at that gesture Tyler turned on his side to give me a better look and I saw that there was a relaxed expression on his face too, at this point I decided to start a conversation "Hey," and he replied by slightly approaching me "Hey sunshine" that comment only provoked a sudden laugh in me.


Her laugh was really pretty, I really wanted to feel her skin on mine (you, yes you, I know what you’re thinking), shake her hand and hug her, I stood there with this thought in my head as she told me funny anecdotes about her new geography teacher.
I couldn’t hold it anymore and without thinking twice I approached her and took her hand, to my surprise she pushed her head closer until she put it on my shoulder and neither of us wanted to say anything anymore.
In that position I could feel everything: the warmth of her hands, her soft h/c hair and its scent, the softness of the fabric of her shirt and even her smile.
After about ten minutes I tried to move to change position since my arm was falling asleep but at the slightest movement I noticed that it wasn't moving, I decided to go check and see that y/n had fallen asleep on my shoulder, She had her eyes closed and a small drop of saliva hung from her lips, I took a handkerchief from my pocket trying not to wake her and cleaned her, I don’t know why or how but it didn’t bother me at all, indeed I found it a really adorable thing.
I stood there for a few more minutes with my eyes closed until I heard footsteps approaching, all the girls had gotten up and were silently screaming at the sight of the scene, I tried to make them understand that they shouldn't disturb and Meilin took the new camera given by his father for her fifteenth birthday and pointed it at us taking care not to use the flash, took at least 4 or 5 photos until I heard a yawn coming from my shoulder.
y/n had woken up.


I woke up yawning, the position we were in was so comfortable that I fell asleep.
I finished rubbing my eyes and noticed that I was still hugging Tyler, I turned to him and noticed the guilty expression on his face that he was trying to mask with a smile, I turn around just to see all the girls standing next to where I was lying until two seconds ago, damn it, I tried to play dumb "Heeeey girls, what are you doing here?" and Mei replied by putting her arms behind her back and swinging back and forth, "Oh sorry, did we interrupt something?" she said with a smirk on her face and the others immediately answered with a "Mhmh" nodding to the thing that the redhead had just said at which point Tyler also got up saying "Ok we were doing the loving birds, now can we focus on something really important? What time are we picking her up tonight?" The girls went serious "'we'? What do you mean by that?" I said raising an eyebrow, Abby came up to me saying, "Didn’t you really think we’d let  Mr. grumpy pick you up on his own? Nono, we want to avoid any kind of misunderstanding by your parents so I’ll be there too" she said, putting her hands on her hips.
This calmed me down, a/n is a nice person who lets me do quite what I want but getting me picked up by a guy I’ve only known for a day would be a bit too much even for her, "Ok, thanks Abby" I answered with a smile.
We gathered our things and all together we went to the gates, I greeted the others and went to the road.
Meanwhile I got lost in my thoughts, I didn’t think I could find myself so comfortable in the new school and be accepted so much, plus I had finally revealed to someone my passion for 4☆town which is a nice step forward, I started to think about each of the girls, they seem so nice; Meilin is really a nice and kind girl, Priya seems like the kind of person you could confide any kind of secret and talk to about strange things, Miriam almost looks like a mother bear who takes care of her little ones and Abby is the free spirit of the group, I love that girl.
Each one of them is so different but so close together and Tyler seems like the kind of person you could ask which dress suits you best and he would answer without snorting, he really has a particular character.
Twenty minutes had passed and I finally arrived at my house's door.
Who knows what a/n will think about the progress I’ve made in just one day.

Hello again, I was thinking of leaving you along with the next chapters some character sketches so that you could understand how I imagined their growth and give you an example of what their clothes might look like.
For the rest I thank you once again for your support and hope to be able to bring new chapters soon.
Bugs out.

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