Chapter 9: Are You Done Yet?

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Katrina watched as Tony flew off into the storm in search of the two Asgardians, concerned that he would do something stupid. The man was incredibly smart but could be incredibly dumb when it came to his temper.

Turning her gaze back to the sky in front of her, she sucked in a deep breath, debating whether to stay there or go help Tony. She was leaning towards the latter, but she felt that Nat wouldn't feel the same.

Behind her, she heard a rustling making her look back to see Cap strapping on a parachute. Apparently, Nat had noticed as well and began to try and talk him out of it.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap."

"I don't see how I can." He replied.

"These guys come from legend, they're basically gods." Nat shouted over her shoulder.

"There's only one God ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Cap finished, tightening the straps on the parachute, and grabbing his shield. And before anyone could say anything else, he dove out of the jet, headfirst.

Again, Katrina looked back to the clouds, leaning back in her seat. Should she help? Or would she just get in the way? Maybe she should just stay back, she thought, let the actual heroes take care of this. Though, she still felt like she should be out there.

Before she could come to a conclusion, Nat says something Kat never thought she would hear come out of her mouth.

"Go, Kat. I know you want to. Go help."

The girl looked at her, shocked, her jaw practically hitting the floor. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! You said it before, this is our job. And I have to trust you; so, this is me trusting you. Go! Before I change my mind." She responded, nodding towards the hatch. "Just please be careful."

"I will. I promise."

Kat then stuck out her pinky finger and it took the woman only a second to interlock them; swearing exactly how they used to when Kat was younger. Seeing the worried look in Natasha's eyes, Kat sent her a small smile, letting her know that everything will be okay.

The girl then darted over to the open hatch; giving herself no time to double-guess her decision, she jumped, focusing on Loki's energy. It took her a minute to get a lock on him, the harsh night air scratching her cheeks. Finally, she could sense him and closed her eyes, letting her instincts do the work. Before long, solid ground appears beneath her feet as he worn body relaxed from the strenuous work.

Peeling her eyelids back to see Loki, sitting behind a boulder, watching something over the cliffside. All alone. No one keeping an eye on the prisoner they had worked so hard to apprehend. Of course.

Curious to see what he was watching, she peeked over the edge to see two figures, who she could only guess were Tony and Thor. Cap was missing from the scene, but she knew he would turn up eventually. Kat's only priority was getting Loki back in custody.

"Men." She couldn't help but mutter, rolling her eyes, "And they say I'm the child."

She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, making his eyes switch from whatever he was watching to the girl. He had felt her presence but had decided not to acknowledge her. To him, the fight below them was too amusing to miss.

"I was expecting someone to come back for me, seeing as you all need me to tell you where the Tesseract is. Though, I never expected it to be a child." He smirked, his eyes scanning her up and down.

She merely stared back at him, hatred filling her entire body. Now that he was in front of her, it took everything is her not to punch him in the face. Every word he spoke just increased her urge to possibly kill him.

"Come on, stand up. We're going." She commanded, her jaw clenching as she grabbed his arm, yanking him onto his feet. He didn't protest, which surprised her. She had assumed he would give her trouble, since he was the god of mischief, but he allowed her to pull him along.

The two walked for a few minutes in complete silence; the only sounds were those of the forest around them and their own steady breathing. This silence not as comforting as the one between Nat and the girl. Suddenly, Loki decided to push his luck, and broke it.

"You know, I am impressed with your skills; who taught you?" He admitted with his signature dark smirk still on his lips. "Was it Barton? He's told me much about you."

Kat stayed silent, knowing that he was pressing for information. Something he could use against her. But she just kept on walking further into the wilderness towards the childish fight between a super-genius and a god from another part of the galaxy. Just another day in the life of a Shield agent.

"I can tell you care about him."

Don't say anything. Just ignore him. She told herself.

"I saw it in your eyes during our little chase. The love...the fear of losing him. The strange feeling of betrayal as he shot at you." He taunted, beginning to burrow his way under her skin. Her trembling hands clenched into tight fists as her skin lit on fire, filling every vein with fury.

A split second later, his back hit the trunk of a tree with her forearm across his throat. "Listen to me you son of a bitch. Whatever you're trying to do, it won't work. I know Barton, and that wasn't him. He was under your little spell. But guess what? We will beat you, and you will get what's coming to you." She stated, her voice cold and steady, never releasing him from my grip. Throughout her speech, she never broke her glare despite how he practically loomed over her due to his height, but that didn't faze her.

He chuckled, "A lot of anger in such a small human being. Or is it fear?"

"I am not scared of you. Never was, and never will be... You think this is anger? You haven't seen me angry; and if you hurt my family, I will kill you so quickly that you won't ever get the pleasure of seeing me angry."

She then stepped away, grabbing his arm once again, and leading him towards the fight. The previous silence repeated; only, this time, the scuffle could be heard in the distance.

As they got closer, she could hear an unfamiliar voice yell something inaudible before a loud bang that sounded like a bell clanging and echoing through the forest. A strong blast wave then hits her in the chest, but her body quickly absorbs it like a sponge, though Loki was blasted a few feet back. He was sprawled out on his back, coughing and groaning from the blow.

Kat snickered, smiling, enjoying the small victory that really wasn't one, but it made her happy to see the smug smirk no longer on his face. The less pleasant his stay on the planet he was planning on endangering was great in her book. She then dragged him back onto his feet and over to a clearing to find Tony, Thor, and Cap blankly staring at each other. Just standing there.

Clearing her throat to grab their attention, "Ahem, I think you forgot about someone; and by someone, I mean the criminal you all left unattended on a cliffside. Great job, boys! So, are you men done yet, or should I just come back later?"

Author's Note: Hi Everyone, just wanted to say hello! For some reason it feels like forever since I've posted a chapter. I guess that's what school does to you. Anyways, I really hope you all are enjoying this story. I know some of it might be a little rough. I might have said this before, but this is my first story that I have ever been able to finish with my scatter brain, so I'm still learning. But feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you guys! And if you guys have any feedback, please let me know!

Love you all!


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