Chapter 18: "No Biggie"

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TW: Violence, Gore

Tony landed on one of the terraces of a nearby building for Clint to make his nest for however long this battle went on. The archer jumped down with a soft thump, pulling an arrow from his quiver as he surveyed his surroundings, keeping track of the troops he could see in the distance.

Kat and Tony's departure was almost as brief as that, but Kat suddenly asked him to wait and hopped down herself and threw her arms around Clint like she had before with Natasha.

"Please, be careful. I can't lose you again." Kat muttered to him a bit of worry etched into her features.

He hesitated, a look of sadness on his face, "I will, I promise. You too, Kat."

"Kat, we've got to go." She heard from behind her. From inside his helmet, Tony's chest swelled with guilt. He knew this was her job and she was trained for situations like this, but that didn't make it any less terrifying that they were sending a literal kid into battle on her own.

Little did he know that she took out thirty other Chitauri not even a half hour ago.

Clint kissed her temple, weary to let her go, before unwrapping her arms from around him and nudged her towards Tony. She obliged with little protest and let Tony hoist her up again, the two adults exchanging a nod before the pair shot off towards the skyscraper.


As the two neared the roof, Kat repositioned and let her feet dangle miles above the ground, Tony keeping a tight grip on her arms. Once they were over the platform, he dropped her down onto the gravel before zooming off once again. She ran a few steps before rolling over her shoulder and stood up straight.

"Don't die on me. Got that, kid?" She heard Tony say over her earpiece.

"Yeah, same goes for you too. I don't want to have to save your metal ass, old man." Kat replied, squinting through the sunlight, watching as he flew off taking out Chitauri in his path. "Promise?"


Kat gazed at the large metal contraption. She could see the glowing crystal blue cube inside through the shield that surrounded the entire machine. Cautiously, she approached the forcefield and let her hand lay on top of it for a second before yanking it away as an icy hot sting and a strong wave of energy rush through her.

Shaking her hand to dull the pain, she spotted Dr. Selvig, laying on his side a few feet away. She debated whether she should waste a minute to check on him, but there was a possibility that he could help her get through. Though, after only one step, four Chitauri dropped down in front of her between her and the Doctor.

She bounced on the balls of her feet, readying herself for another fight. "Alright, so that's how it's going to be. Well, happy birthday to me."

Her eyes lit up once again with the pure white, different wisps of color surrounding her entire body and creating a flame affect in her palms. All at once, two of them approached, guns raised. Bending over backwards to dodge one's aim, she pulled herself back up and kicked the other's gun away and threw into the other's line of fire, killing him and knocking the first over.

Noticing the other two beginning to approach, she grabbed the gun she had knocked out of the other's hands and fired directly at them. Having trained for so long, it didn't take much effort for her bullets to hit them right in the eye, which was one of the few spots not shielded by their armor. It was a gruesome sight, but she didn't have the time to stop and think about it too much before the first soldier that she knocked over before had recovered.

Before it could get any closer, she raised her left forearm and created a small shield in front of her as she sprinted towards the thing. It just kept firing until she was right on top of it. Leaping up, she brought both of her legs and planted her heels into its chest and pushed off, landing harshly onto her back as her opponent was sent hurtling over the railing and falling to the cement below.

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