Valiant: Part 2

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A/N: So embarrassing story, I kinda sorta forgot I even posted this story here on Wattpad until someone commented saying they'd love an update. So I did, thinking nothing of it, but the response has been insane! I'm so glad you guys like it. I have up to episode 4 completely written and I'm slowly working on episode 5. So while I work on 5 I'll try to span out my updates so you have a little bit of something every now and then. I have 11 chapters written, so I hope you're ready!

Valiant: Part 2

"Ah, Adrielle. Glad to see you're here on time and out of trouble I hope," Gaius drawled as she entered.

"Yes, Gaius. It was just a quick pop down to Gwen's. We managed to evade getting ourselves into trouble for once. I think we can mark up two days without an incident," she replied sarcastically. "So what's on our agenda for today?"

"That my dear, depends on how the tournament goes today. For the most part we'll be able to sit and enjoy the competition. If anything happens to any of the knights and they need our attention we'll be there to attend to them. We'll have to assess the situation when we come to it and then we'll carry on from there," Gaius instructed.

"Fun," Adrielle mused. "Is there anything you need me to do right now?"

As she looked around the tent she noticed it looked much like the inside of their chambers. It was about half the size of their main chambers, of course. There was an examination bed set up near the middle of the tent. A few small tables were placed in the remaining spaces. On the tables were plants and instruments that were vaguely familiar to Adrielle.

"Not at the moment, no. I'm nearly finished setting up anyways. You may join your brother if you wish to watch the tournament. Just make sure if anything does happen you're ready to jump into action. If you see me hurrying out onto the field while another man lies flat on his bum that's your cue to follow me. As long as you're not too enchanted gawking over the knights we'll be in good shape," Gaius said. He made sure to try and mumble that last part under his breath. Adrielle's ears were just as quick as her reflexes; she caught every word he spoke.

"Gaius!" she said stupefied.

"I'm sorry, Adrielle. I just know how girls your age are. They see an attractive man like Arthur and they lose all their senses," he continued, keeping his back to her.

"I do not find Prince Arthur attractive or anything else of the sort. I am quite different from women my age in case you haven't noticed," she countered.

"Of course I've noticed. Anyone with half a brain could see that you and your brother are different."

"Let's just hope no one else sees exactly how different we are," Adrielle whispered.

"The tournament should be starting any minute now if you want to catch all of it," Gaius said while pointing to the tent's mouth. Adrielle eyed Gaius before she departed the tent. She spotted a line of knights all dressed up in their armour and family crests. She watched them pass her as they marched into the arena where the tournament was being held. She fell in line behind them and peeled off at the entrance to the grounds. She watched the knights file in and line up in two lines of twelve.

She cursed herself for being able to spot Prince Arthur almost immediately. Even from only being able to see the backs of their heads she could clearly spot him. He was in the back row, fifth one from the far side, nearly smack dab in the middle. Horns echoed sounding the king's entrance. She refocused her attention on him as Merlin came to stand beside her.

"Knights of the realm," Uther called. "It is a great honour to welcome you to the tournament at Camelot. Over the next four days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, you skills as warriors, and of course, to challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honour of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of one thousand gold coins."

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