The Dragon's Call Part 1

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm so excited to get this story on it's feet! You have no idea! I'm going to try and write this story in tandem with the TV show Merlin. I write it as a chapter per episode, more or less, but the episodes themselves will probably be split up into multiple chapters. This chapter/episode seriously had 14,000 words when I had finished! So yeah the episodes will come in multiple installments of chapters. If that makes sense. Also each season will probably have it's own book. So part 2 of episode 1, The Dragon's Call, will be up shortly! If you're reading this I sincerely hope you enjoy!

                                                                     The Dragon's Call: Part 1

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Adrielle questioned from behind as her brother led the way through the forest.

"Of course I am. The way to Camelot is south of Ealdor. The path is clear. This path," he said motioning down to the trail that had been eroded over time.

"Just because we're on a path doesn't mean we're on the right path," she sighed shifting her bag on her shoulders.

"Have a little faith in me, would you? I know we're going the right way."

"You know," she repeated, emphasizing that she knew exactly how he knew. A quick wordless understanding passed between them.

"Yes, I know."

Adrielle and Merlin were different. Everyone says 'oh they're different', but this time it was true. Adrielle and Merlin were twins, born on the exact same day to the same mother. Merlin always liked to brag that he was the eldest child. To that extent their mother had branded him with being the older brother, which meant he had to look after and set examples for Adrielle. Like a good older brother should. It always seemed to be Merlin who was constantly getting into trouble and Adrielle who was in charge of reprimanding him.

"If my senses are correct at the top of this hill we should be able to see Camelot," Merlin announced.

"If we get to the top and all we see are more trees I'm going to laugh and probably punch you for leading us in the wrong direction." Merlin turned around to make a face at her before continuing on forward. He raced to the top of the hill eager to find out for sure if he had been right or not. Adrielle pulled the hem of her dress up higher allowing her to quickly trek up the hill.

As they reached the peak and peered over the land, a great white castle stood. Camelot. The two of them stood there and took in the sight together. They had never been to a large, bustling city before. Especially never Camelot. Their home of Ealdor was a small village in the country of Cenred's land. Not many in Ealdor had ever graced the presence of their king, but word was he wasn't the friendliest of sorts. A rugged and handsome man he was, but also quite cruel and ruthless. Cenred didn't bother much with the small outlying village of theirs, which everyone was pleased with.

"My apologies, Merl," Adrielle said as they stared. "It seems you were right."

"Does that mean I get to punch you now?" Merlin asked, half joking half serious.

"No," she responded bluntly. Being the older brother that he was, Merlin took his chance and punched her shoulder, a good hearted laugh leaving his lips. Adrielle didn't find him as amusing and made to tackle him. Merlin side stepped and watched her falter, realizing he'd unleashed her wrath as he took off down the hill towards the castle. She chased her brother most of the way to the city, goofy grins appearing on their faces as they raced. As they reached the lower town they slowed down their pace. It was a futile attempt, in Adrielle's opinion, to remain without any sort of reputation their first day in Camelot. The two siblings held onto each other as they walked, laughing and clutching their sides while gasping for air. Despite the fact that they were siblings and practically obligated to row with each other every now and then, Merlin and Adrielle were each other's best friends.

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