The Poisoned Chalice Part 2

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The Poisoned Chalice: Part 2

By the time Adrielle woke the next morning the sun was already pouring into the room. Beacon's warm breath spread across her face. When she opened her eyes they met Beacon's adorable dog face.

"Alright, alright. I'll take you out, boy. Give me a second," Adrielle rasped. She rolled over in bed and stretched her achy limbs out. She couldn't believe it. It had actually worked. She had actually been able to enhance the potions effects with her magic.

Ten points to Adrielle.

Beacon barked at Adrielle, obviously disappointed with the rate at which she was moving.

"Calm down, Beacon. I'll move as fast as I want to, okay?" she sassed the dog. He gave a playful whine and rested his head on her bed. Adrielle looked over at Merlin's bed and found it empty. She supposed Gwen had already gotten up to attend to Morgana this morning. Adrielle changed swiftly into her everyday dress and descended the stairs into the main part of their chambers.

"Good morning, Adrielle," Gaius greeted. "You're up later than usual. You had a restful night of sleep, I trust."

"I did. It seems my 'enhanced' potion really did the trick," she responded.

"Good, good. I'm glad to hear that," Gaius said with a smile and a slight twinkle in his eye.

"How's Merlin?"Adrielle asked apprehensively, her mood taking a quick turn from accomplished and calm to anxious. She had taken a seat at the table across from where her brother still lied unconscious.

"No change," Gaius replied while handing Adrielle a bowl of fresh porridge sprinkled with fresh berries on top.

"No news is good news I suppose," she murmured while playing with her porridge. She picked off a few of the fresh berries and fed them to Beacon, who sat attentively next to her.


Adrielle returned to her chambers after an hour of walking through the woods with Beacon. He was certainly grateful for the extended walk in the forest. He frolicked through the tall grass and flowers, chasing squirrels and nipping at butterflies. Adrielle just thought. She always felt more at ease when she was in the woods. The quiet of nature helped her to clear her mind and escape whatever was troubling her.

"How is he?" Adrielle asked once she was inside the room. Beacon immediately ran over to greet Merlin who still lied on the cot. His face seemed paler than it had before, and he appeared to be writhing slightly in his bed. Beacon barked at Merlin happily and waited to receive his petting. When none came, Beacon whined before sitting down and resting his head down on Merlin's bed.

"He's getting hotter," Gwen commented while still tending to his fever.

"Liffrea, wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf," Merlin muttered. The trio stared at Merlin in confusion.

"Is he waking up?" Adrielle asked hurriedly while rushing towards her brother's side. She recognized those words. She might not be able to translate them exactly, but she knew they were words of the Old Religion. Those words were part of the language she and Merlin spoke when incanting spells

"What language is that?" Gwen asked confused.

"Er, none," Gaius lied. "The fever's taken hold. None of those words are his own."

Why is he saying spells then if he's not awake? Surely he couldn't randomly incant spells in his unconscious state, Adrielle thought to herself. She picked up Merlin's wrist and searched for his pulse. His was definitely stronger than she remembered Ewan's being, but not by much.

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