The Poisoned Chalice Part 1

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The Poisoned Chalice: Part 1

One thing after another seemed to happen within Camelot's walls. There were brief moments of relief before another gust of wind would roll in and bring with it another storm. Adrielle supposed not everything 'big' that happened to Camelot would necessarily be all bad. It wouldn't always be dramatic and unknowingly life threatening. Sometimes the talk of the town would be that of a civil and diplomatic nature, rather than death, destruction, chaos, and insanity.

From Adrielle's very first day in Camelot she had heard whispers and gossip about Camelot's tensions with the kingdom of Mercia. For ages the two had been at ends with each other. Getting into aggressive disputes that would ultimately lead to brutal wars with each other. Many of the people had forgotten how things had come to such a heated point, they just always had been that way for as long as anyone could remember. Much blood had been shed and many lives lost on both sides.

Now it seemed that the two ruling Kings had decided enough was enough. They would put on their big boy armor and settle this like proper diplomats. There would be no more war. The two kingdoms were be joined in friendship. King Uther and King Bayard would meet to sign a peace treaty and end the ongoing war. Nobles and delegates from Mercia would meet in Camelot, today actually, to sign the treaty and to celebrate the only way kings and royals know how to; with elaborate feasts and parties.

Adrielle had been close on Gaius' heels for the past couple of days. Gaius was determined to get as much done as he could before Bayard and his men arrived. The pair had been visiting as many patients as they could, preparing as many potions and remedies as possible. Gaius wanted their attention to be completely focused on Bayard and Mercia when they arrived. Adrielle wasn't exactly sure why, but she followed Gaius along and obeyed none the less.

Merlin had been just as busy running around behind Arthur and helping as all the other servants prepared for the Mercia royals to arrive. Adrielle spotted Merlin approaching them from down the hallway, shuffling his way with a large and bulging bag.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" Merlin whined while setting down the bag clumsily.

"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do," Gaius lectured.

"My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside," Merlin continued to complain.

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds," Gaius paused, searching for the rest of his inspirational phrase. "A harder soul."

Adrielle and Merlin both looked at each other sideways and shared a suspicious look.

"There is no way that's how the proverb goes," Adrielle said.

"You just made that last bit up," Merlin accused.

"No I didn't," Gaius defended. Before either twin could protest another serving girl tripped awkwardly and was sent tumbling to the ground, dropping all of the sheets she was carrying in the process.

"Sorry," the girl apologized to Merlin's feet.

"It's alright," Merlin replied. "Let me give you a hand with that."

Adrielle watched as her brother crouched down next to the servant girl to help her out. Merlin paused as he looked up and caught her stunning blue eyes. There seemed to be an abundance of blue eyes in Camelot, but these were like none other Merlin had ever seen. They were the darkest and yet vibrant shade, like the dark depths of the ocean Merlin had heard stories of before.

"Hi. I'm Merlin," he said after a moment. Merlin's face flushed the slightest before offering her his hand in greeting. She took it and shook it gently before responding.

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