Lancelot: Part 3

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A/N: HELLO AGAIN! YES IT'S ME. It's not been a hundred years this time, but still. I said I only had one more scene to write before this chapter was finished and I've been sitting on that scene for a month. But I finally wrote it- obvious by the fact that I'm posting. I've recently reentered the world of Harry Potter, diving headfirst into my feels. I have a newfound desire to rewrite the fanfic I had started long ago for Potter. What I had really bad. Like...really bad. I told myself I couldn't write anything else until I finished and posted this final chapter. So here we are. The final part of Lancelot. Thank you always to everyone who still reads this story. I promise you even if you do wait 100 year I will update this fanfic again! I'm just always really terrible when it comes to updating. But it will happen. So enjoy! As always please read and review! <3

Lancelot: Part 3

When Adrielle woke the next day, everything she did made her whole body ache at once. Laying on her uneven cot, eyes still closed shut, everything hurt. Her head felt like an exotic dance troupe had taken up camp inside and was practicing around the clock. Her stomach quaked like a violent storm brewing; thunder shaking her insides and striking lightning, threatening to expel whatever was left inside. Actually, it felt like her stomach was threatening to send whatever was inside either up or down, or both ways. Something was coming out, it just depended on which end it was coming.

Adrielle let out a guttural groan, immediately regretting so. The sound of her own voice left a ringing in her ears which just rattled her brain even more. She settled for a breathless sigh at her frustrations. As she became more awake, she felt her cheek had settled in a pool of something wet. Slowly, Adrielle attempted to open her eyes, shutting them almost instantly. The faint light streaming into the chambers assaulted her eyes to no end, she thought she would surely be blinded. She tried to open her eyes again, this time to find that the world around her was spinning. She shut them tightly again, terrified that something really was about to make its way back out of her. She tried to roll herself over in bed so she was at least laying on her back, but found her limbs felt like stones.

What...the bloody hell happened last night? I honestly don't remember anything.

With great effort and lots of mental determination, Adrielle finally found herself in an upright seated position. The room was only slightly spinning at this point, and nothing had made its way back out of Adrielle's stomach. Wherever she could find tiny moments of progress, she would take them. She looked around her room, only to find out this wasn't her room. There was no wall to her immediate right and no Merlin on his own cot across to her left. Instead, she found tables and chairs with jars and plants, and one very stern looking Gaius.

"Good morning, Adrielle," he said in a false cheery voice.

"Uhhh, morning?" she replied utterly confused.

"Have a fun evening last night?" Gaius questioned.

"Uhhh..." Adrielle stumbled.

"Having problems remembering what happened? Allow me to fill you in. I assume you had much too much to drink, more than your body should probably have in your entire life. Unable to walk straight or even stand up, Prince Arthur took upon the charity case to help you back to your chambers. Starting to ring any bells?" Gaius detailed to her.

"Arthur?" Adrielle asked, clearly hanging onto the only thing that made any sense. Actually, that was the part that made the least sense. Why would Arthur drag her back to her chambers? Other than being a goody two shoes nobleman that he was, which he wasn't, that's really the only reason she could think of.

Adrielle struggled, trying to remember what had happened the night before. Everything was a total blur. She remembered...the celebration in Lancelot's name. The dancing, the music, the laughter. She remembered drinking various amounts of wine. It seemed every time she remembered flashes of memories, different moments throughout the night, she always seemed to have a drink, or two, in her hands. She remembered seeing nearly every inch of that celebration hall. She had meandered and mingled and basically ran away across every stone in that hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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