Lancelot: Part 2

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A/N:...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I honestly can't believe I'm actually updating. Finally. It's been 84 YEARS! Okay...not quite. But still. It's been like a year and a half at least. I went back and looked at the last update to punish myself. I honestly don't know where the time went. Well...I mean it went out the window. But time is just a construct. Okay I'm babbling. I'm eternally sorry it's taken this long to produce an update but honestly are we surprised by this anymore? For those of you still sticking around and reading this new post - THANK YOU. I honestly don't deserve any fans to still be sticking around. Not gonna lie...I wasn't even ready to post an update yet. After my last, albiet pity post, I told myself I'd finish the full episode before posting again. Well..I lied. The full episode isn't finished yet. It almost is! But I'm nearing 50 pages on my Google Docs and like I said I'm not even finished yet. The last update came 18 pages into the chapter but...none of that matters to you. Anyways. Hello. It me. I'm sorry. I apologize. You all are wonderful. HOPEFULLY the next and final part of Lancelot shouldn't be too far behind...but after that...*shrugs* who knows. JUST KNOW I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON THIS FIC YET. I honestly think about it almost everyday. Whenever I'm not thinking about my Cap fanfic. Or my Hook fanfic. get the point. But this fic is usually at the top of my list since it's the most fleshed out, I have actual chapters finished and posted. AND THE MOST AMAZING FANS WHO READ AND REVIEW. Okay I'm done babbling. I swear. Here you go my children. Read. Review. Enjoy.

Lancelot: Part 2

Long after Merlin, Lancelot, and Gaius had gone to sleep, Adrielle still lay awake in her bed. Her eyes were wide as they looked up at the dark ceiling, Lancelot's situation prodding at her to keep her awake her whenever she tried to fall asleep. He had risked his life to save hers back in the forest just the night before, and what did he have to show for it? A couple scars and a broken dream. Adrielle felt she owed him her life. They had in turn saved each other, but she still felt like she owed him so much more for his heroism. To see his dreams crushed by a stupid rule broke her heart.

Carefully, Adrielle pushed herself out of her bed, her thoughts finally propelling her to take some action. She wouldn't let herself lay idly in bed while Lancelot lost all the hopes he had for the future. He deserved a chance just as much as any other nobleman. Adrielle had witnessed firsthand some of the "noblemen" Arthur was supposed to recruit for his ranks. Grummond was a poor excuse for a knight. Noble didn't automatically mean he was better.

In an effort to not wake her brother, Adrielle tiptoed quietly across their room to their shared cupboard. At the very bottom of their cupboard, under articles of clothing, pieces of parchment, and other books laid their magic book. They really needed to find a better hiding spot; she really wasn't sure it could survive another surprise inspection from Arthur. Honestly she was surprised they'd managed to hide it from him the first time. Even then it had been a close call.

Adrielle made her way back to her bed as swiftly as a coursing river, her arms tightly gripping the key to Lancelot's future. A plan was starting to slowly manifest itself in her mind, but she wasn't entirely sure how she planned to achieve it.

Now sitting on her bed in the dark room, Adrielle started slowly flipping through the magic book. She squinted down at the book, pulling it closer to her in a vain attempt to read better. The room was too dark for her to read anything properly. What she needed was a light, but she had no intentions of getting up again and grabbing a candle. An incantation she had seen the other day came to her suddenly. Adrielle hadn't practiced it yet, but what a better time than now.

Adrielle set the book back down on her lap and held out her hands. She took a deep breath, steadying herself.


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